Related content for project "Information and Teaching Materials for an Environmentally Conscious Use of Pharmaceuticals" (project ID 50064)
Kemper, Melanie 2025: Verbreitung von Informations- und Lehrmaterialien für einen umweltbewussten Umgang mit Humanarzneimitteln - Konzept und Plan für eine Kampagne. Ecologic Institut, Berlin. Unpublished.
Pharmaceutical substances from creams and gels can enter wastewater when washed off after application. However, this can be reduced by first wiping your hands with a paper towel, disposing of it in the household waste, and only then washing your hands.
In a project for the German Environment Agency (Umweltbundesamt), the Ecologic Institute, in collaboration with the University and University Medical Center of Kiel, developed educational and informational materials on the environmental aspects of pharmaceuticals. All materials can be ordered or downloaded free of charge through the UBA portal "Pharmaceuticals and the Environment," which was also created as part of the project.
Pharmaceuticals in the environment are a growing problem. The UBA Internet portal "Human Medicinal Products and the Environment" offers freely available, scientifically proven teaching materials for medical and pharmaceutical lecturers. With the basic set of slides and the accompanying texts, the topic can be taught comprehensively and practically despite tight curricula.
Pharmacies are an obvious place for conversation about pharmaceuticals and their effects on people and the environment, as well as the disposal of unused products. The information package for pharmacies provides pharmacy staff with in-depth background information for such discussions.
Pharmacies can order this decorative wall calendar free of charge and give it as a promotional gift to their customers. The calendar is designed as a year-independent birthday calendar in DIN A4. Each month, attractive, large photo motifs and short texts focus on a different aspect of pharmaceuticals and the environment.
Bei der Anwendung arzneimittelhaltiger Cremes und Gels kann die ins Abwasser gelangende Arzneistoffmenge dadurch reduziert werden, dass man sich nach dem Auftragen zunächst die Hände mit einem Papiertuch abwischt, das im Hausmüll entsorgt wird, und erst dann die Hände wäscht. Deshalb wurde zu diesem Thema eine deutschsprachige Postkarte in DIN A6 (10 x 15 cm) entwickelt, die der Kundschaft bei Abgabe von arzneimittelhaltigen Cremes und Gels in der Apotheke mitgegeben werden kann.
Liquid pharmaceutical leftovers are more often disposed of incorrectly in waste water than solid ones. For this reason, a German-language postcard in DIN A6 (10 x 15 cm) has been developed on this topic, which can be given to customers when liquid medicines are handed in at the pharmacy.
The Federal Environment Agency's online platform "Human Pharmaceuticals and the Environment" provides information on the environmental impact of human pharmaceuticals and gives recommendations for environmentally conscious use and disposal. The aim is to minimize the entry of pharmaceutical residues into the environment and thus protect organisms, water, and soil.
Many people think that old medicines should always be disposed of via pharmacies. Providing information about the applicable disposal methods, which vary from region to region, takes time in the pharmacy. The poster "Correct disposal of leftover medicines in: ...." is intended to ease the burden on staff by providing disposal information in writing on the sales floor. Other useful locations for the poster could include doctors' surgeries, hospitals, health advice centers, health insurance companies or waste disposal companies.
Do not dispose of unused pharmaceuticals in the toilet or sink, as this is how they end up in water, soil and groundwater. This leaflet explains in various languages how to dispose of old pharmaceuticals correctly and why this is important.
Healthcare professionals increasingly want to ensure the best medical care, but also consider the environmental impact. To provide pharmacists and healthcare professionals with quick and effective information, core elements for environmentally friendly prescribing and dispensing practices have been compiled in a checklist.
By using pharmaceuticals in an environmentally conscious manner, patients can help to minimize their release of pharmaceuticals into the environment. The core elements have been compiled in a checklist to provide quick and effective information on environmentally friendly patient behavior.