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Infopaket für Apotheken – Arzneimittel und Umwelt

Cover page of the information package 'Pharmaceuticals and the Environment' for pharmacies, published by the German Environment Agency. The page includes a message of thanks to pharmacists for their contribution to reducing the entry of pharmaceuticals into the environment. Below, an introduction to the topic highlights the three main sections of the information package.

© German Environment Agency, 2024

Infopaket für Apotheken – Arzneimittel und Umwelt


Umweltbundesamt (Hrsg.) 2024: Infopaket für Apotheken – Arzneimittel und Umwelt. Fact Sheet. 

Pharmacies are an obvious place for conversation about pharmaceuticals and their effects on people and the environment, as well as the disposal of unused products. The information package for pharmacies provides pharmacy staff with in-depth background information for such discussions.

It offers suggestions on how pharmacists can contribute to the environmentally friendly use and disposal of pharmaceuticals. The information materials provided by the Federal Environment Agency and their intended use for the target group are explained. The information package for pharmacies has 12 pages and can be downloaded.

The information package is part of the UBA portal "Human Pharmaceuticals and the Environment".

The information package can be downloaded and ordered from the German Environment Agency's website.

The Federal Environment Agency's 12-page information package provides pharmacy staff with sound background information and practical tips on the environmentally friendly use and disposal of pharmaceuticals.


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Clemens Woitaske-Proske (CAU Kiel)

Concept: Melanie Kemper
Content: Clemens Woitaske-Proske
Layout: Jennifer Rahn

Published in
UBA online platform "Humanarzneimittel und Umwelt"
Published by
12 pp.
Project ID
Human pharmaceuticals, environment, pharmaceuticals, medicines, disposal, education, information
online platform, information, information material, communication, information product, visualization