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Overview: Measures to implement the three STErn-strategies

Informative timeline graphic with overlapping horizontal bars in various shades of red, blue, green, and purple, signifying different initiatives mapped out from 2023 to 2050. The title at the top of the graphic saying 'Überblick: Maßnahmen zur Umsetzung der drei STERN-Strategien' in bold, and a legend explaining the color scheme, such as 'plant-based', 'organic', 'regional', 'comprehensive/integrated', and 'targeted implementation.'

© Ecologic Institute

Overview: Measures to implement the three STErn-strategies


Ecologic Institute 2023: Overview: Measures to implement the three STErn-strategies. Infographic. In: Hanke, G.; Brunn, C.; Jägle, J.; Jánszky, B.; Meier, J.; Mering, F. v.; Quack, D.; Wolff, F. (2023): Components for the Transformation towards a Sustainable Food System; German Environment Agency, Dessau.

This interactive illustration combines all recommendations for action (a total of 39 proposed measures) from the STErn project and shows the time frame in which they should be implemented. If you move the cursor over the individual measure titles, the detailed profiles of the measures appear. The infographic is part of the brochure "Components for the Transformation towards a Sustainable Food System".

The infographic was developed by Ecologic Institute on behalf of the Federal Environment Agency.

Between October 2020 and September 2023, the project "Socio-ecological transformation of the food system" (STErn) developed policy recommendations for the transformation to a sustainable food system. The recommendations for action set out short, medium and long-term policy options.

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Concept: Julia Jägle, Johanna Meier

Design and Layout: Lena Aebli

Published in
Components for the Transformation towards a Sustainable Food System
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Sustainability strategies, policy development, measures for environmental protection, education and knowledge, organic food production, infrastructure and networks, long-term planning (2023-2050), food systems, funding programs, regional development
Data visualization, information processing, timeline, color coding, Gantt chart, categorization