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Förderung pflanzenbasierter Ernährungsweisen

Titelbild Inputpapier

Ecologic Institut

Förderung pflanzenbasierter Ernährungsweisen

Vertiefung von drei politischen Handlungsansätzen


Quack, Dietlinde; Jägle, Julia; Meier, Johanna 2022: Förderung pflanzenbasierter Ernährungsweisen: Vertiefung von drei politischen Handlungsansätzen. Inputpapier für den STErn Expert*innenworkshop am 28. November 2022. Berlin: Ecologic Institute.

This input paper delves into three selected policy approaches to support more plant-based diets. The selection of the three policy approaches was based on preliminary work in Wunder et al. (2022). Based on a literature review using the COM-B behaviour change model by Michie et al. (2014), 17 factors influencing behaviour were identified that are relevant for increasing more plant-based diets in Germany. Subsequently, 12 policy approaches were derived that can be used to address the 17 identified influencing factors. For the selection of the three approaches in this paper, on the one hand, the assessment of the relevance of the influencing factors was taken into account. In addition, care was also taken to ensure that they have an effect on several influencing factors, address as many of the 12 approaches to action identified in Wunder et al. (2022) as possible and have so far tended to be less the focus of discussion. The selected approaches to action are:

  1. institutionalisation through a federal programme and a foundation,
  2. urban and regional planning, and
  3. vocational education and training.

The paper provided the basis for the STErn expert workshop on 28 November 2022.


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Dietlinde Quack (Öko-Institut)
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47 pp.
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food system transformation, dietary shift, plant-based proteins, policy approaches