Bausteine für die Transformation zu einem nachhaltigen Ernährungssystem
Inputpapier für den STErn-Workshop am 21.03.2023
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Hanke, Gerolf et al. 2023: Bausteine für die Transformation zu einem nachhaltigen Ernährungssystem. Inputpapier für den STErn-Workshop am 21.03.2023. Berlin: Ecologic Institute.
Germany's current nutrition system is not sustainable; it requires a far-reaching socio-ecological transformation. This finding forms the starting thesis of the STErn project, whose interim results and policy recommendations for action were discussed at a workshop on 21 March 2023. This paper provided the basis for the discussion. It is part of the work of the research project "Socio-ecological Transformation of the Food System" (acronym STErn), which was carried out on behalf of UBA/BMU.