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Findings from Thematic Working Groups and Deep Engagement Case Studies

Cover of the COACCH deliverable "Findings from thematic working groups and deep engagement case studies"

© COACCH project

Findings from Thematic Working Groups and Deep Engagement Case Studies

Deliverable of the H2020 COACCH project


McGlade, K., Tröltzsch, J., Tarpey, J., Watkiss, P. (2021). Findings from thematic working groups and deep engagement case studies. Deliverable of the H2020 COACCH project.

The COACCH project (CO-designing the Assessment of Climate CHange costs) has proactively involved stakeholders in the design and delivery of research, as part of a collaborative co-production process. To do this, it developed a set of success factors for successful co-design and developed a protocol (process) for implementation. This was implemented for the project, through the use of working group and deep engagement stakeholders. This deliverable reports on the lessons from this co-creation approach.

The deliverable has considered each of the success factors in turn, and considers the potential insights from the COACCH experience. Overall, the project found that the most important benefits of co-design were the improved relevance of research outputs for uptake and use (in decisions) and the improvement in the dissemination and communication of research outputs. However, compared to a normal research project, co-design was found to involve considerably more resources and time, particularly at the start of the project. The use of knowledge brokers was also critical, and the co-production process was found to work best when there was deep and regular engagement.


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Paul Watkiss
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41 pp.
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climate change, climate adaptation
Robust Decision Making, Co-Design, participatory approach