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COACCH – 2nd Interactive Co-design Workshop

COACCH – 2nd Interactive Co-design Workshop

Brussels, Belgium

On 24 October 2019, research partners and stakeholders from the COACCH (CO-designing the Assessment of Climate CHange costs) project met in Brussels for the second interactive co-design workshop. In this second stakeholder workshop, the COACCH researchers presented first findings on climate change costs in different sectors, and explored ideas for the next phase of work focused on the assessment of policies and tipping points. Ecologic Institute was responsible for designing and implementing the interactive workshop concept.

The first COACCH co-design workshop in 2018 produced key insights from stakeholders. These were used to shape the project’s research focus. Over the past year and a half, the COACCH team has actively investigated these areas, and first results were presented at the second workshop. 

More than 40 participants participated in this collaborative workshop. Discussions and feedback by stakeholders should guide the project’s activities and ensure an easy uptake of outputs.

The objectives of the second interactive workshop were to:

  • Present interim results and discuss these with end-users;
  • Exchange information on the latest policy/ decision-making processes and discuss their implications for COACCH research;
  • Discuss and jointly shape future research activities and products;
  • Review and make adjustments to the co-design approach.

The co-design workshop was structured in five sessions: 1) the project progress update, 2) sectoral costs of climate change, 3) policy assessment, 4) key climate and socio-economic tipping points for Europe and 5) COACCH policy tools.

The interim results of the COACCH work have been summarized for the workshop in a synthesis paper, published at the COACCH webpage.

A key focus of the COACCH project (CO-designing the Assessment of Climate CHange costs) is to proactively involve stakeholders in the design and delivery of research, as part of a collaborative co-production process. The project recognises that end-user needs and interests vary, and so engages with a wide range of representatives from policy, business and industry, investment, research and civil society. COACCH uses interactive workshops to co-design the project’s direction, activities and outputs.


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Brussels, Belgium
Project ID
cost of climate change, economic methods, CGE, impact assessment, IAM, cost assessment