© Ecologic Institute
Adaptation Policy Assessments and COACCH Co-design Process
4th Interactive Co-Design Workshop
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As a part of its co-design process, the COACCH project organized a series of interactive stakeholder workshops to discuss research objectives, activities, and outputs. The first three co-design workshops between 2018 and 2020 produced key insights to guide the COACCH project. In this fourth and final workshop, held on 9 and 10 September 2021, the project team presented their concluding research findings and together reviewed the final outputs to be produced. More than 40 participants from eight European countries joined the workshop.
The objectives of the fourth interactive workshop were to discuss:
- Results of sectoral and macroeconomic assessments of policies;
- Web-based scenario explorer;
- Policy briefs and synthesis products.
- Evaluation of the COACCH Co-Design process and guidelines for co-designed research.
The first day covered COACCH work on policy assessments, with breakout groups addressing:
- flood proofing of infrastructure and flooding insurance;
- adaptation in industry and supply chains;
- non-market impacts and coastal flooding; and
- mitigation policy scenarios for food systems.
Additionally, an evaluation and lessons learned from the co-design process were discussed.
On the second day, input was gathered on the project’s macroeconomic policy assessment, as well as the COACCH Scenario Explorer web tool. The final session collected inputs and feedback on the COACCH policy briefs and synthesis work in order to shape the remaining project outputs.
The results of the COACCH work have been summarized for the workshop in a summary paper, published at the COACCH website.
The COACCH project (CO-designing the Assessment of Climate Change Costs) aims to improve the downscaled assessment of the risks and costs of climate change in Europe. A key focus is to work together with end users to shape results that are directly useable by research, civil society, business, investment and policy.