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Addressing Climate Change in European Supply Chains

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Addressing Climate Change in European Supply Chains

COACCH Workshop


As a part of the COACCH project, Ecologic Institute, University of Graz and Deltares organized a workshop with stakeholders and interested parties on the topic of "Addressing climate change in European supply chains".

Climate change impacts such as floods, high temperatures, and water availability, will all impact business, industry, and infrastructure. The balance of risks will vary across sub-sectors and locations, and sites and operations will be affected differently. Risks extend along supply chains, with impacts in non-European countries affecting production and transport of raw materials and intermediate goods. The COACCH project is analysing climate change impacts and adaptation activities in manufacturing industries, supply chains and intermodal transport hubs.

The workshop was held on 19 March 2021 in a virtual format, and welcomed more than 20 participants from seven European countries. The participants included a range of stakeholders including researchers, representatives from companies and industry associations, as well as public authorities. The workshop was split across four sessions addressing different aspects tied to European supply chains and aimed to address the following main questions:

  • What is the exposure of European industries to supply chain shocks due to climate extremes?
  • How can industries adapt to transboundary risks from climate change? What are the needs, options, and locations of adaptation?
  • How may the flood risk for road transport infrastructure in Europe change as a result from climate change?
  • Which sets of measures can increase climate resilience of intermodal transport hubs, particularly for ports and their associated infrastructure?

The interim results of the COACCH work have been summarized for the workshop in a short background document [pdf, 166 kB, English].

The four presentations are available for download below.  

The COACCH project (CO-designing the Assessment of Climate Change Costs) aims to improve the downscaled assessment of the risks and costs of climate change in Europe. A key focus is to work together with end users to shape results that are directly useable by research, civil society, business, investment and policy.


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Project ID
climate change, climate adaptation, robust decision making, Co-design, participatory approach