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John Tarpey

John Tarpey

MSc (Environmental Planning)
BA (Environmental Science, Public Policy)



John Tarpey began working at Ecologic Institute in 2016 and currently works as a Fellow with interests including climate adaptation and economics, water resource management, and agriculture. He is a native English speaker, is fluent in French and has a good knowledge of Spanish as well as basic German.

At Ecologic Institute, John Tarpey works on Resilience in Europe through Activating City Hubs Reaching out to Users with Triple-A Climate Adaptation Tools (REACHOUT), funded by the European Commission's Horizon 2020 programme. REACHOUT aims to advance user-oriented climate services in seven European City Hubs to support the implementation of the European Green Deal. He is also involved Assessing Climate Change Risk in Europe (ACCREU), a Horizon Europe project developing a comprehensive socio-economic assessment of future climate risks in European countries and sectors under different adaptation and mitigation scenarios.

Previously, John worked on CO-designing the Assessment of Climate Change Costs (COACCH), examining the economic costs of climate change and climate actions, and supporting an improved downscaled assessment of the risks and costs of climate change in Europe. He also coordinated the Ecologic team on a project for the European Environment Agency, consolidating information and preparing a report on adaptation costs and inaction costs in the EU. Additionally, John has worked on other European projects such as Fish Friendly Innovative Technologies for Hydropower (FIThydro), Making Society an Active Participant in Water Adaptation to Global Change (BeWater), and Economics of Climate Change Adaptation in Europe (ECONADAPT).

Prior to joining Ecologic Institute, John Tarpey worked in project management for Strata Solar, a utility-scale solar power company in North Carolina. He was involved in cost and performance reporting, in addition to carrying out construction data analysis. He has also worked with the North Carolina Sierra Club as a legislative assistant, where he researched bills relating to energy efficiency standards and water quality. John previously held an internship at the United Nations Environment Programme working on the Environment and Security Initiative.

John Tarpey completed his Master's degree in Environmental Planning at the Technische Universität Berlin (Germany). He received his Bachelor's from Duke University in North Carolina, where he studied environmental science and public policy, with a focus on energy issues and environmental policy. During this time, he spent a semester at the University of Cape Town in South Africa, where he studied local urban development and political science.

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Selected projects by John Tarpey

Foto von Jw. auf Unsplash

The Assessing Climate Change Risk in EUrope (ACCREU) project aims to support a just transition to climate resilience in the EU by co-creating and delivering actionable ideas and new knowledge. This project brings together diverse stakeholders to address climate change... Read more
project logo with the project's titel

© REACHOUT project

The formulation and implementation of climate adaptation plans in cities worldwide needs to speed up rapidly to keep in pace with projections of climate risks. The research project: "Resilience in Europe through Activating City Hubs reaching Out to Users with Triple-A... Read more

Bild von Tumisu auf Pixabay

In July 2021, the European Climate Law entered into force. The importance of adaptation for a resilient society and the role of financial flows are key elements of this law. The law aims to ensure that all EU policies contribute to these goals and that all sectors of... Read more
The bioeconomy carries the promise to offer important opportunities for rural employment and regional added value. The transition towards a more sustainable, bio-based regional economy and society requires the active involvement of a broad spectrum of stakeholders and... Read more

Bio-based Strategies and Roadmaps for Enhanced Rural and Regional Development in the EU (BE-Rural)


Flood damages in Altenahr Altenburg (Germany), 2021


Martin Seifert. The original uploader was CnndrBrbr at German Wikipedia., CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

Ecologic Institute is collaborating with the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management and Ramboll Consulting on a project for the European Environment Agency (EEA) entitled "The Cost of Adaptation versus the Cost of Inaction for Europe." This follows up a 2020... Read more

The Cost of Adaptation Versus the Cost of Inaction for Europe

| Goran.Smith2 | | Anti-flooding barrier at the banks of Danube river, Novi Sad, Serbia
The COACCH project (CO-designing the Assessment of Climate CHange costs) is an EU funded Horizon 2020 project assessing the economic costs of climate change and climate actions. The project is coordinated by the Euro Mediterranean Centre for Climate Change (CMCC)... Read more

CO-designing the Assessment of Climate Change Costs (COACCH)

Selected publications by John Tarpey
Report cover with a deep teal background. At the top, a small white circular logo with a stylized image of the Earth. Below the logo, in large, white, sans-serif font, the title 'Pricing agricultural emissions and rewarding climate action in the agri-food value chain'. At the bottom of the cover, the company logo 'Trinomics' with its characteristic half-circle colored graphic.

© Trinomics 2023

The agriculture and land sectors must mitigate greenhouse gas emissions for the EU to meet its climate targets. In a new report published by the European Commission's DG CLIMA, Ecologic Institute, IEEP, and Trinomics investigate how an emissions trading system (ETS)... Read more

Bognar, Julia et al. 2023: Pricing agricultural emissions and rewarding climate action in the agri-food value chain. Rotterdam: Trinomics.

Cover of the ECNO flagship report "State of EU progress to climate neutrality. An indicator-based assessment across 13 building blocks for a climate neutral future"

© European Climate Neutrality Observatory (ECNO) 2023

The EU Climate Law legally binds EU countries as a whole to become climate neutral by 2050. Achieving this goal requires transforming the way we produce, consume, travel, and eat. EU institutions have already put in place many measures to guide and support governments,... Read more

Velten, Eike Karola et al. 2023: Flagship Report: State of EU progress to climate neutrality. An indicator-based assessment across 13 building blocks for a climate neutral future. European Climate Neutrality Observatory (ECNO).

Cover of the indedendent expert report "Baseline study for the implementation of lighthouses of the Mission ‘Restore our ocean and waters by 2030’: Atlantic, Arctic, Danube and Mediterranean lighthouses"

© European Commission

The objective of the EU Mission 'Restore our ocean and waters by 2030' is to provide a systemic approach for the restoration of our oceans, seas and waters by 2030. The Mission lighthouses act as hubs and platforms for the development, demonstration and deployment of... Read more

European Commission, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, Alao Chanou, Z., McColgan, O., Berbel, J., et al., Baseline study for the implementation of lighthouses of the Mission 'Restore our ocean and waters by 2030': Atlantic, Arctic, Danube and Mediterranean lighthouses, Publications Office of the European Union, 2023,

First page of the BE-Rural Policy Brief "Enabling rural regions to recognise the ecological boundaries framing the bioeconomy"

© BE-Rural project

As the EU Bioeconomy Strategy points out, regions are the most appropriate territorial level at which to implement bioeconomy strategies. However, the available and favoured methods for assessing bioeconomy potential and environmental impact are rarely framed within the... Read more

Tarpey, J., Araujo, A. and Anzaldua, G. [Ed.] 2022: Enabling rural regions to recognise the ecological boundaries framing the bioeconomy. Policy Brief. Ecologic Institute.

cover of the BE-RURAL deliverable "Note on the development of a sustainability screening for regional bioeconomy strategies"

© BE-Rural project

This report provides the context and justification for the development of BE-Rural's Sustainability Screening, a description of its methodological procedure, and the syntheses of results from the two experimental implementations of the approach in the Stara Zagora and... Read more

Anzaldúa, Gerardo et al. (2022). D5.4 Note on the development of a sustainability screening for regional bioeconomy strategies. Deliverable of the H2020 BE-Rural project.

Cover of the COACCH deliverable "Findings from thematic working groups and deep engagement case studies"

© COACCH project

The COACCH project (CO-designing the Assessment of Climate CHange costs) has proactively involved stakeholders in the design and delivery of research, as part of a collaborative co-production process. To do this, it developed a set of success factors for successful co... Read more

McGlade, K., Tröltzsch, J., Tarpey, J., Watkiss, P. (2021). Findings from thematic working groups and deep engagement case studies. Deliverable of the H2020 COACCH project.


© Ecologic Institute

A team at Ecologic Institute has produced new best-practice guidelines for co-creating research. The guidelines are based on experiences gathered in the Horizon 2020 project COACCH (Co-designing the Assessment of Climate Change Costs). The authors summarise an in-depth... Read more

McGlade, K., Tröltzsch, J., Tarpey, J. and Watkiss, P. (2022). Co-creating Research: Best-Practice Guidelines. Insights from the Horizon 2020 EU project COACCH.

This policy brief synthesises the latest results from the COACCH project on the economic costs of climate change in Europe and identifies areas of possible discussion to explore with stakeholders at the second COACCH workshop. The policy brief is available for download.... Read more

COACCH (2019). The Economic Cost of Climate Change in Europe: Synthesis Report on Interim Results. Policy brief by the COACCH project. Editors: Paul Watkiss, Jenny Troeltzsch, Katriona McGlade, Michelle Watkiss. Published October, 2019.

Resilient European Cities: Nature-based Solutions for Clean Water

© The Nature Conservancy

Diffuse  pollution  is  one  of  the  key  reasons  European  water  bodies  are  failing to meet environmental objectives as specified in the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD). Outbreaks  of ... Read more

Trémolet S. & Karres N. (2020). Resilient European Cities: Nature-based Solutions for Clean Water. The Nature Conservancy. London, United Kingdom.

Tarpey, J., Beusch, C. 2020: Small-Scale Technologies and Business Models for Regional Bioeconomies. Joint Guidance Document for Stakeholders. Ecologic Institute, Berlin. ... Read more

Tarpey, J., Beusch, C. 2020: Small-Scale Technologies and Business Models for Regional Bioeconomies. Joint Guidance Document for Stakeholders. Ecologic Institute, Berlin.

This report has been prepared as part of work-package 5 of the FIThydro project on Fishfriendly Innovative Technologies for Hydropower. It aims at investigating the regulatory landscape influencing actions relevant to environmental improvements in the context of... Read more

Kampa, E. Tarpey, J., Rouillard, J., Bakken, T. H., Stein, U.,  Godinho, F. N., Leitão, A. E., Portela, M. M., Courret, D., Sanz-Ronda, F.J., Boes, R., and A. Odelberg (2017). Technical  Deliverable 5.1. Review of policy requirements and financing instruments. H2020 project FIThydro Fishfriendly Innovative Technologies for Hydropower.

Selected events by John Tarpey

© Chiara Mazzetti 2024

On 10 January 2024, the ACCREU Stakeholder Workshop convened in Brussels, welcoming over 40 participants. Under the theme "Co-designing research on the economics of climate impacts and adaptation," this event is part of the Assessing Climate Change Risk in Europe ... Read more

Workshop:Co-designing Research on the Economics of Climate Impacts and Adaptation

Brussels, Belgium
COACCH Project (CO-designing the Assessment of Climate Change Costs) launched a webinar series to share its results on economic assessment of climate change and adaptation. On 30 April 2020, the project hosted its first webinar "Insights from the COACCH project I:... Read more
Pedieos Workshop
Climate change and other pressures are impacting the environment and water resources in the Mediterranean, requiring plans for how to adapt the management of affected river basins and their water resources to changing future conditions. To address this challenge, a... Read more

Workshop:Engaging Citizens in Adaptive River Basin Management in the Mediterranean

Rmel (Tunisia), Tordera (Spain), Pedieos (Cyprus) and Vipava (Slovenia) river basins