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Assessing Climate Change Risk in Europe (ACCREU)

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Assessing Climate Change Risk in Europe (ACCREU)

Research Program

The Assessing Climate Change Risk in EUrope (ACCREU) project aims to support a just transition to climate resilience in the EU by co-creating and delivering actionable ideas and new knowledge. This project brings together diverse stakeholders to address climate change adaptation and mitigation in the face of new social and environmental challenges.


The main objective of this project is to provide a comprehensive socio-economic assessment of future climate risks in European countries and sectors under different adaptation and mitigation scenarios. In addition, ACCREU will focus on assessing non-market impacts on biodiversity, ecosystems and health, while developing models and methods for climate risk assessment and decision-making for integrated climate adaptation.

ACCREU is a project that will engage stakeholders involved in different types of climate adaptation decisions to develop practical solutions for the successful integration of climate resilience and adaptation into decision-making processes. By fostering cooperation and co-creation, the project aims to secure a sustainable and resilient future for Europe and its citizens.

Project activities

To achieve these goals, ACCREU is made up of six work packages. These range from developing a conceptual framework to implementing co-creation processes, from updating methods and models for assessing climate change impacts to integrating different levels and types of climate adaptation into macroeconomic models.

Work Package WP1 Co-creation will develop a conceptual framework and implement a stakeholder engagement process to ensure a consistent and inclusive co-creation approach throughout the project.

Work Package WP2 Impacts includes work with enhancing methods and models for assessing climate change impacts, quantifying impacts at a high spatial resolution, and providing updated estimates of direct effects and adaptation costs.

Work Package WP3 Adaptation will implement a range of case studies to economically appraise climate adaptation options, derive practical recommendations for common adaptation decisions, and gather data on adaptation costs and effectiveness.

Work Package WP4 Integration is devoted to developing an integrated macroeconomic analysis of climate risk by combining outputs from WP2 and WP3, identifying optimal adaptation-mitigation policies, and integrating different levels and types of adaptation into macroeconomic models.

Work Package WP5 Synthesis & Outreach disseminates project outcomes through internal and external activities, incorporates research outputs into synthesis documents, promotes transparency through data and code sharing, and collaborates with existing initiatives.

Work Package WP6 Coordination establishes efficient management procedures, ensures effective project coordination and oversees communication with the European Commission.

Ecologic Institute in ACCREU

Ecologic Institute is co-leading Work Package 1: Co-creation in ACCREU. Ecologic Institute will develop the protocol for co-creation of the project's research agenda with stakeholders, will oversee the co-creation activities through co-design workshops throughout the project’s duration, and will evaluate the co-creation process. Furthermore, Ecologic Institute is leading a case studying in Work Package 3: Adaptation. The case study will focus on an assessment of social justice dimensions of climate policy linked to health impacts of climate change. Finally, Ecologic Institute will contribute to the delivery of policy briefs and synthesis of results in Work Package 5.


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Project ID
social justice, transdisciplinary research, climate risks, vulnerability, drought, flooding
Germany, Bremen
co-design workshop, case study, cost-benefit assessment