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Nature Based Solutions for Water Security in Europe (NBS4WS)

Nature Based Solutions for Water Security in Europe (NBS4WS)


The Nature Conservancy (TNC) has contracted Ecologic Institute and its partner EMVIS Consultant Engineers to provide assistance related to the identification of opportunities for Nature Based Solutions for Water Security (NBS4WS) in Europe. As part of its work on water security in Europe, The Nature Conservancy is preparing two reports: Investing in Nature for European Water Security and Urban Water Blueprint for Europe.

  • The report "Investing in Nature for European Water Security" aims to provide a strategic vision for scaling up NBS4WS in Europe. It will draw out existing experiences with NBS4WS in Europe, identify limiting factors and formulate concrete recommendations for how to scale them up. The project team will draft a summary overview of the status and trends of key water challenges in Europe and will characterize the nature based solutions types that are applicable for addressing these challenges in Europe.
  • The report "Urban Water Blueprint for Europe" will reflect the findings of a more in-depth science-based analysis, using a methodology previously developed by TNC to identify around 100 cities in Europe that could most benefit from investment in nature-based solutions in their upstream catchments to address surface water quality challenges related to nitrates, phosphorus and sediments. The project team is supporting TNC in the identification of European cities appropriate for this exercise, methodological issues related to sediment and nutrient loading modelling, cost-benefit estimations and estimations of biodiversity benefits and other co-benefits.


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nature-based solutions, green infrastructure, drinking water, urban water management, water quality, quality, floods, water scarcity, Water Framework Directive, water security