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Investing in Nature for European Water Security


Investing in Nature for European Water Security


Trémolet S. et al. (2019). Investing in Nature for Europe Water Security. The Nature Conservancy, Ecologic Institute and ICLEI. London, United Kingdom.

Water security is at the heart of healthy and prosperous societies. European countries' prosperity depends on their ability to maintain the gains they have achieved in water security and address new and rising challenges.

Nature Based Solutions can be deployed to address water challenges related to surface water quality, groundwater quality, floods and water scarcity. This report outlines a strategic vision to mobilise greater investments in nature to address Europe’s outstanding water security challenges.

The report’s main objectives are:

  • To identify the roles that nature-based solutions can play to tackle Europe's water security challenges, as part of hybrid (green-grey) water investment strategies;
  • To extract learning from on-the-ground experiences with investments in nature for water security in Europe and identify enabling conditions and barriers to scale;
  • To formulate recommendations on what needs to be done differently to achieve scale and contribute to boost water security and resilience in the European Union.

Ecologic Institute and its partner EMVIS Consultant Engineers have supported The Nature conservancy (TNC) in the preparation of this report, by outlining the key water challenges in Europe and the types of Nature Based Solutions that are applicable for addressing these challenges in Europe.


More content from this project

Sophie Trémolet (TNC)
Anna Favero (TNC)
Nathan Karres (TNC)
Marcia Toledo (TNC)
Christos Makropoulos (EMVIS)
Archontia Lykou (EMVIS)
Serene Hanania (ICLEI)
Veronica Rebollo (ICLEI)
Barbara Anton (ICLEI)
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184 pp.
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surface water quality, groundwater quality, floods, water scarcity, nature based solutions, agricultural practices