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Ecologic Institute Science and Policy for a Sustainable World


Dr. Camilla Bausch and Christoph Heinrich, outgoing director and new director of Ecologic Institute, 2024


© Ecologic Institute 2024

Ecologic Institute Welcomes Christoph Heinrich as its New Director

Experienced and internationally well-connected environmental expert joins the team

Berlin, Germany
We are pleased to announce the appointment of Christoph Heinrich as the new Director of Ecologic Institute. He will assume his position on 1 August 2024. Christoph Heinrich takes over from Dr. Camilla Bausch, who is stepping down at the end of this summer after more than 20 years of dedicated work, including almost a decade as Director.
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Survey promotion graphic with a headline "Help to make nature-based solutions more inclusive!" followed by the text "Take our short survey to share strategies and challenges in involving commonly excluded stakeholders in co-creation processes." There is a "Participate Now!" button with a deadline of August 16, 2024. The background shows a blurred image of people in a garden setting. The Network Nature logo is present in the bottom left corner.

© Ecologic Institute 2024

Fostering Inclusive Engagement in Co-creating Nature-based Solutions

Online Survey

This survey aims to collect your experiences and perspectives on inclusive engagement in NbS co-creation. We seek to identify successful strategies, critical challenges, and lessons learned in meaningfully engaging commonly excluded stakeholders in NbS co-creation processes.
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cover page of a document titled "Stadtnatur-Plan: Lebensqualität, Klima und biologische Vielfalt zusammendenken!" published by the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN).

© Bundesamt für Naturschutz (BfN) 2024

Stadtnatur-Plan: Lebensqualität, Klima und biologische Vielfalt zusammendenken!

Ein Leitfaden zur Umsetzung der EU-Biodiversitätsstrategie 2030 in urbanen Gebieten

The EU Biodiversity Strategy 2030 calls on cities to promote urban nature in the form of “Urban Nature Plans” for the protection of biodiversity, for climate protection and adaptation and for the quality of life in cities, and to set ambitious targets for this. This brochure transfers the approach of urban nature plans to the German context and offers concrete tips for implementation. This includes a checklist to determine the extent to which a municipality's existing plans already correspond to urban nature plans.
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Cover of the report titled 'Raising the bar on national climate governance in the EU' by the Ecologic Institute.

© Ecologic Institute 2024

Raising the Bar on National Climate Governance in the EU

How EU policy can help Member States deliver certainty, accountability, consistency, and consensus on the road to net zero

How EU policy can help Member States deliver certainty, accountability, consistency, and consensus in their policymaking on the road to net zero. A stocktaking of climate governance systems across EU Member States and assessment of EU policy options for their enhancement.
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© Ecologic Institute 2024

What Next? Advancing Towards Climate Neutrality in a Challenging Political Environment

Sixth episode of the podcast "CLIMATE ON AIR – Discussing the future of EU climate policy"

With the recent EU elections behind us, the challenge arises of how to continue the momentum towards climate neutrality while navigating the evolving political landscape. The focus now shifts to implementing the policy framework left behind by the last Commission, while also developing new, ambitious climate policies. In this episode of "Climate ON AIR," hosts Aaron Best and Bradlie Martz-Sigala discuss the way forward for EU climate policy with Bettina Kampman (CE Delft) and Benjamin Görlach (Ecologic Institute).
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Ecologic Institute works on key topics

Climate, Energy & Adaptation
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Environmental Law & Governance
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Ecologic Institute: Science and Policy for a Sustainable World

Ecologic Institute conducts inter- and transdisciplinary environmental research and has offices in Berlin and Brussels. In its role as a private, independent organization, Ecologic Institute is dedicated to the preparation of relevant sociopolitical aspects of sustainability research and contributing new knowledge to environmental policy. Innovative research methods, an orientation on practice and a transdisciplinary approach ensure scientific excellent and social relevance. The work done at Ecologic Institute covers the spectrum of environmental topics and includes the integration of environment-related issues into other political spheres.

Ecologic Institute was founded in 1995 and collaborates closely with other European and international bodies, including active participation as a member of the Ecological Research Network (Ecornet). Today, the more than 100 individuals at Ecologic Institute work in a variety of international and interdisciplinary project teams.


Ecornet Logo

Ecologic Institute is a partner in Ecornet, the network of leading non-university, non-profit German research institutes focusing on environmental and sustainability research.

Ecornet.Berlin Logo

Ecologic Institute is a partner in Ecornet Berlin, the research network that conducts transdisciplinary research for a social and ecological metropolis.