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European Research at Ecologic Institute


European Research at Ecologic Institute

The EU's research and innovation funding programmes are among the key instruments of the European Commission to accelerate Europe's climate neutrality and adaptation, to strengthen our knowledge base on how to protect the ecosystems, to manage natural resources on land and see and to ensure food and nutrition security in a sustainable manner. As an independent non-profit institute dedicated to improving environmental policy, sustainable development and policy practice, Ecologic Institute contributes to these goals through a range of research projects, especially as part of the Horizon 2020 Programme.

EU Research, European Union, Horizon 2020, Horizon Europe, Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development, FP7, Europe



European research projects coordinated by Ecologic Institute


© Ecologic Institute

The overall goal of SCALE-UP is to support regional multi-actor partnerships, consisting of private businesses, governments and policymakers, civil society organisations, and researchers in identifying and scaling-up innovative and sustainable bio-based value chains... Read more

Concepts, Tools and Applications for Community-driven Bioeconomy Development in European Rural Areas (SCALE-UP)


Photo: Ewa Iwaszuk

Cities and their peripheries are constantly confronted with challenges such as urban sprawl, climate change and pollution. These processes can exacerbate the degradation of natural ecosystems, and jeopardize ecosystem service provisioning with negative consequences for... Read more

International Cooperation to Restore and Connect Urban Environments in Latin America and Europe (INTERLACE)


© Ecologic Institute

To achieve climate neutrality by 2050, EU policy will have to be reoriented – from incremental towards structural change. As expressed in the European Green Deal, the challenge is to initiate the necessary transformation to climate neutrality in the coming years, while... Read more

Transformative Policies for a Climate-neutral European Union (4i-TRACTION)

The bioeconomy carries the promise to offer important opportunities for rural employment and regional added value. The transition towards a more sustainable, bio-based regional economy and society requires the active involvement of a broad spectrum of stakeholders and... Read more

Bio-based Strategies and Roadmaps for Enhanced Rural and Regional Development in the EU (BE-Rural)

Knowledge, Assessment, and Management for AQUAtic Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services aCROSS EU policies (AQUACROSS) aims to support EU efforts to protect aquatic biodiversity and ensure the provision of aquatic ecosystem services. Funded by Europe's Horizon 2020... Read more
CIRCULAR IMPACTS will assist the EU and its policy makers in realizing the transition from its current predominantly linear economy to a circular economy, by establishing a flexible and accessible evidence base with concrete data on macro-economic, societal,... Read more
The bioeconomy holds potential solutions to important challenges of the future. The social, economic and environmental impacts associated with its products and processes, however, will require extensive dialogue processes on the future development of the bioeconomy.... Read more
TeilnehmerInnen des Pocacito-Kick-Off-Meetings
In the transition to a post-carbon economy and sustainable societies, cities will be faced with unique challenges. POCACITO focused on uncovering how to improve the resilience of cities and regions in order to reduce existing and emerging conflicts over resources and... Read more

Post-Carbon Cities in Europe: A Long-Term Outlook (POCACITO)

Netgreen is building a network of decision makers and scientists interested in fostering the transformation to a green economy. To support decision makers in that transition, Netgreen develops a database and website that enables decision makers to identify the green... Read more

NETwork for GREEN Economy Indicators (NETGREEN)

At the end of March 2016, the European Union FP7 research project DYNAMIX came to a close. DYNAMIX aimed at proposing policy mixes that can foster shifting the EU onto a pathway where its resource use and the associated environmental impacts decline in absolute terms... Read more
The interdisciplinary research project "European Union Action to Fight Environmental Crime" (EFFACE) assessed the impacts of environmental crime as well as effective and feasible policy options for combatting it, with a focus on the EU. The project was funded under the... Read more

European Union Action to Fight Environmental Crime (EFFACE)

Dissemination and Uptake of FP Water Research Results (WaterDiss2.0)
The general objective of the project is to speed up the transfer of research outputs (FP6&7) relevant to the implementation of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) to water management institutions (a basin authority or a city). The dissemination and uptake of the... Read more

Dissemination and Uptake of FP Water Research Results (WaterDiss2.0)

The three-year research project "InContext" identified framework conditions enabling societal transition towards an ecologically sound, economically successful and culturally diverse future. Action at local and individual levels is vital to bring the concept of... Read more

Individuals in Context: Supportive Environments for Sustainable Living (InContext)

Mainstream economic indicators such as GDP are useful measures with great influence on public and private decisions, but they are flawed as measures of human welfare and give little feedback on progress on environmental goals and sustainable development. This project,... Read more

Integrating Mainstream Economic Indicators with Sustainable Development Objectives (IN-STREAM)


Further current European research projects

CFD Logo

CFD Logo


Copyright: Climate Farm Demo Consortium

Climate Farm Demo is a unique pan-European network of Pilot Demo Farmers covering 28 countries and all pedo-climatic areas. Its overall aim it to accelerate the adoption of Climate Smart Farming (CSF) practices and solutions by farmers and all actors of the Climate... Read more

A European-wide Network of Pilot Farmers for a Carbon Neutral Europe (Climate Farm Demo)

The ever more frequent floods and droughts of recent years are increasingly bringing the need for new landscape adaptation strategies to the attention of the public and strengthening the social will to make landscapes more resilient to climate change. The extent of the... Read more

© BOKU (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences), Vienna

Over one million barriers on Europe's rivers have resulted in extensive loss of river connectivity, and 70-90 % of Europe's floodplain areas are ecologically degraded due to human modifications. Despite having an ambitious EU policy framework in place, implementation of... Read more

Restoration of the Danube River Basin Waters for Ecosystems and People from Mountains to Coast (DANUBE4all)


by Felicidad & Growfish 

Nature-Positive Economy – a Challenge and an OpportunityThe world’s economic systems do not adequately acknowledge the valuable role nature plays in planetary and human health. The degradation of land, freshwater and marine ecosystems undermines the well-being of... Read more



©Arne Riedel|CC BY-NC SA

Climateurope2 is a 4.5-year Horizon Europe project that addresses the need for timely delivery and effective use of climate information. The project aims to support the climate services community and propose standardisation procedures for future equitable and quality... Read more

Supporting and Standardizing Climate Services in Europe and Beyond (Climateurope2)

Govaqua Logo

© Govaqua

The overall goal of GOVAQUA is to identify, assess, develop and validate innovative water governance instruments and approaches to support and accelerate a transition towards sustainable and equitable water use in Europe. Such a transition is urgently required to... Read more

Governance Innovations for a Transition to Sustainable and Equitable Water Use in Europe (GOVAQUA)


Foto von Jw. auf Unsplash

The Assessing Climate Change Risk in EUrope (ACCREU) project aims to support a just transition to climate resilience in the EU by co-creating and delivering actionable ideas and new knowledge. This project brings together diverse stakeholders to address climate change... Read more
project logog

© MarineSABRES project

Marine Biodiversity loss is continuing to decline despite current conservation efforts. Reversing the decline in biodiversity requires the rapid roll-out of effective conservation measures that can also enable a sustainable and resilient blue economy. Social-ecological... Read more

Marine Systems Approaches for Biodiversity Resilience and Ecosystem Sustainability (HEU Marine SABRES)

Carbon farming holds great promise as a business model that rewards land managers for implementing practices that contribute to mitigating climate change. Actions that increase soil carbon sequestration and storage offer mitigation potential while posing a number of... Read more

Building Momentum and Trust to Achieve Credible Soil Carbon Farming in the EU (CREDIBLE)


© Josselin Rouillard

Europe's environment is in an alarming state, with climate change expected to further aggravate the situation. This substantially threatens economic prosperity, human wellbeing and social peace. Our society and economy need systemic transformative change, and ecosystem... Read more

Mainstreaming Ecological Restoration of Freshwater Related Ecosystems in a Landscape Context (MERLIN)

project logo green label with two leaves as wings

© 3-C

The EU Bioeconomy Strategy accelerates the deployment of a sustainable European bioeconomy by managing natural resources sustainably, reducing dependence on fossil resources, ensuring food security, mitigation and adapting to climate change, and creating jobs and... Read more

Concise Consumer Communication through Robust Labels for Bio-based Systems (3-CO)



Healthy wetlands are acknowledged for being among the most effective sinks for carbon and for providing other valuable ecosystem services. In contrast, human-impacted wetlands represent a major source of greenhouse gases (GHG). Important research questions on the GHG... Read more
Currently, farming systems in Europe rely strongly on the use of Plant Protection Products (PPPs). Yet, the use of PPPs pose risks to both human and environmental health with pesticide exposure being associated with health problems, including reproductive issues and... Read more

Sustainable Plant Protection Transition: A global health approach (SPRINT)

project logo with the project's titel

© REACHOUT project

The formulation and implementation of climate adaptation plans in cities worldwide needs to speed up rapidly to keep in pace with projections of climate risks. The research project: "Resilience in Europe through Activating City Hubs reaching Out to Users with Triple-A... Read more

Further completed European research projects


Ponderful at a glance



Even the smallest ponds can play a big role in fighting climate change. Largely neglected and generally undervalued, ponds are also remarkably important for biodiversity conservation. Small water bodies such as ponds are, both globally and in Europe, the most... Read more

Pond Ecosystems for Resilient Future Landscapes in a Changing Climate (PONDERFUL)

With three quarters of the European Union's population living in cities and further increases expected, societies are increasingly facing socio-political shifts and marginalization. Limited availability of physical space, changing urban demographics, and increasing... Read more

Photo by Tobi on Pexels

Agroecology is widely recognized for its contribution to improving the environmental, climate and social impacts of agriculture. Building on the understanding of ecological interactions in agricultural systems, agroecology supports farmers' ability to deliver ecosystem... Read more

The European Agroecology Living Lab and Research Infrastructure Network (ALL-Ready)



The UNITED project provides evidence by means of pilot demonstrators that the development of multi-use platforms or co-location of different activities in a marine and ocean space is a viable approach (economically, socially and environmentally) for European maritime... Read more

Multi-use Offshore Platforms Demonstrators for Boosting Cost-effective and Eco-friendly Production in Sustainable Marine Activities (UNITED)

| ©JFL Photography|
European cities face major challenges to achieve the desired level of sustainability in the management of urban water systems. Digital technologies such as mobile devices, sensor network, real-time monitoring, machine learning, and modeling tools have the potential to... Read more

Digital Water City – Leading urban water management to its digital future (DWC)



Land and soils are essential for life on Earth. They supply humanity with food, purify water, store carbon and support a rich biodiversity. Yet one third of the global land is considered as degraded and this process is continuing due to higher food production,... Read more

Soil Mission Support: Towards a European research and innovation roadmap on soils and land management

RECIPES Logo with leaf shape and process flow arrows


How do we take sound decisions on new or emerging technologies? The RECIPES project (REconciling sCience, Innovation and Precaution through the Engagement of Stakeholders) aims to develop new tools and guidelines to ensure the precautionary principle is applied while... Read more

Reconciling Science, Innovation and Precaution through the Engagement of Stakeholders (RECIPES)

| Goran.Smith2 | | Anti-flooding barrier at the banks of Danube river, Novi Sad, Serbia
The COACCH project (CO-designing the Assessment of Climate CHange costs) is an EU funded Horizon 2020 project assessing the economic costs of climate change and climate actions. The project is coordinated by the Euro Mediterranean Centre for Climate Change (CMCC)... Read more

CO-designing the Assessment of Climate Change Costs (COACCH)


© FIThydro

Hydropower plants can offer a reliable and clean source of energy. However, these installations can often pose difficult challenges for the surrounding environment, particularly the fish species living in the rivers. FIThydro (Fishfriendly Innovative Technologies for... Read more

Fish Friendly Innovative Technologies for Hydropower (FIThydro)

BIOBRIDGES's overall aim is to ensure the marketability of sustainable bio-based products by establishing primary partnerships between bio-based industries, brand owners and consumer representatives in cooperation with other stakeholders like local communities, local... Read more

Improving the Market Access of Sustainable Bio-based Products (BIOBRIDGES)

| Fotolia © kalafoto
Nature is important for the urban environment: trees grant shade during the summer months, while parks and lakes function as areas for relaxation, as places where the urban population comes together, and as space where children can experience nature and learn about it... Read more

Nature Based Urban Innovation (NATURVATION)

| Fotolia © noorhaswan
Soils are an enormous reservoir of carbon, containing nearly twice as much carbon as the atmosphere. Preventing soil carbon from entering the atmosphere is essential for climate mitigation efforts. Moreover, agricultural soils also carry a large potential for additional... Read more

Coordination of International Research Cooperation on soil Carbon Sequestration in Agriculture (CIRCASA)

BRIGAID: Testen, Business Development und Marketing
Climate adaptation innovations could significantly reduce Europe's exposure to climate hazards such as droughts, floods, and extreme weather. However, many innovations fail to reach the market because innovators lack the funds and ability to turn their prototypes into... Read more

Bridging the Gap for Innovations in Disaster Resilience (BRIGAID)

| Fotolia © danimages
Global demand for minerals is growing rapidly, driven by rapid population growth, urbanisation and an increasingly diverse range of technical applications. Global material supply chains linking the extraction, transport and processing stages of raw materials have become... Read more

Global Material Flows and Demand-supply Forecasting for Mineral Strategies (MinFuture)

©2014 Erik van den Elsen (Alterra)
Soils provide a range of functions upon which humans depend, such as food production, water regulation, a physical basis for construction, biodiversity and habitat for organisms, and nutrient cycling and carbon storage. In Europe, soils are threatened by numerous... Read more

Preventing and Remediating Soil Degradation (RECARE)


© Recreate project

The Research Network in Climate, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials (RECREATE) will assess the impacts of research and innovation in Europe and beyond, as well as derive an outlook and recommendations for future research priorities in the fields of climate, resource... Read more

Research Network in Climate, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials (RECREATE)

© Fotolia: magann
Urban water use is a major pressure impacting the ecological status of European rivers. The DESSIN project promotes more sustainable, adaptive, and cost-effective urban water management through the testing and promotion of innovations. The project aims to demonstrate... Read more

Demonstrate Ecosystem Services Enabling Innovation in the Water Sector (DESSIN)

Water touches virtually all societal and environmental domains. The knowledge domain is largely multidisciplinary. New water information and knowledge can thus lead to more efficient use of environmental services and better handling of environmental problems, including... Read more

Sharing Water-related Information to Tackle CHanges in the Hydrosphere – for Operational Needs (SWITCH-ON)

The overall objective of multEE was to improve the consistency and quality of energy efficiency policy planning and implementation at different administrative levels in the beneficiary countries. The multEE project supported this objective through the introduction of... Read more

Facilitating Multi-level Governance for Energy Efficiency (multEE)

Climate change is leading to increased vulnerability of coastal areas as coastal storms, sea level rise and flooding cause significant impacts across Europe. Resilience-Increasing Strategies for Coasts – toolKIT (RISC-KIT) is a four-year European research project aimed... Read more

Resilience-Increasing Strategies for Coasts – toolKIT (RISC-KIT)

Sustainable water management under climate change is an urgent challenge for the Euro-Mediterranean region. The BeWater FP7 project supports a transition to stakeholder-driven river basin water management planning in this region by working together with local partners... Read more

Making Society an Active Participant in Water Adaptation to Global Change (BeWater)

| Fotolia © focus finder
The ECONADAPT project, on the Economics of Adaptation, was a research project funded by the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7). Recognizing that there is an economic rationale for climate change adaptation, the ECONADAPT project set out to advance the... Read more

Economics of Climate Change Adaptation in Europe (ECONADAPT)

The EU research project "Bottom-Up Climate Adaptation Strategies for a Sustainable Europe" (BASE) supports action for sustainable climate change adaptation in Europe. BASE makes experiential and scientific information on adaptation meaningful, transferable and easily... Read more

Bottom-Up Climate Adaptation Strategies for a Sustainable Europe (BASE)

Fotolia © Gunnar Assmy
Transitioning the existing economic system in Europe to a green economy in the long term requires making existing knowledge and best practice available to a wider community. The GreenEcoNet project will be initiating a web platform for SMEs to find relevant information,... Read more

A Best Practice Platform to Support the Transition Towards a Green Economy (GreenEcoNet)

How can climate policies be designed, what impacts do they have and what other options are there? These are important questions to stakeholders and policy-makers. The project POLIMP aims at making answers to these issues more easily accessible and understandable. To... Read more

Mobilizing and Transferring Knowledge on post-2012 Climate Policy Implications (POLIMP)

Fotolia©Sascha Burkard
The NetBiome-CSA project aimed at extending and strengthening research partnerships and cooperation for smart and sustainable management of tropical and subtropical biodiversity in the EU’s outermost regions (ORs) and overseas countries and territories (OCTs). Ecologic... Read more
The project "Welfare, Wealth and Work for Europe – WWWforEurope" seeks to develop a conceptual framework for a socio-ecological transition in the context of the Europe 2020 strategy. The project brings together a large interdisciplinary consortium of 33 research... Read more

Welfare, Wealth and Work for Europe (wwwforEurope)

The FP7 research project Policy-Oriented Marine Environmental Research in the Southern European Seas (PERSEUS) supports the implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) in the Mediterranean and Black Seas. PERSEUS strengthens the application of the... Read more

Policy-oriented Marine Environmental Research in the Southern European Seas (PERSEUS)

The aim of the ATLANTIC FUTURE FP7 research project is to study the rationales of cooperation in the Atlantic area and identify EU strategies for engaging in a wider transatlantic relationship within the Atlantic space. As globalisation enters a new phase... Read more
| iStock © ewg3D
CLEANSEA is a research project that takes an interdisciplinary approach to studying marine litter. CLEANSEA assesses the state of marine litter in European seas, rivers and on beaches and its impact on biological, social and economic processes. It aims to develop new... Read more

New Tools and Policy Options to Improve the Management of Marine Litter (CLEANSEA)

MILESECURE 2050 explores and evaluates the multidimensional process leading to European low-carbon energy security. Taking a perspective to 2050, the project will increase knowledge about the drivers of and barriers to societal and individual transition processes as... Read more

Transition towards Low-Carbon Energy Security (MILESECURE 2050)

Farming practices exert an important influence over soil functions, soil organic matter and carbon stocks, which in turn are essential to regulating greenhouse gas emissions in agriculture. SmartSOIL was an EU-funded project which developed an innovative approach... Read more

Sustainable and Climate Friendly Soil Management (SmartSOIL)

DEMEAU is a three-year EU FP7-funded project to demonstrate promising technologies that tackle emerging pollutants in water and wastewater. DEMEAU provides environmental impact and costs assessments (i.e. life cycle assessment and life cost assessment) and showcases... Read more

Demonstration of Promising Technologies to Address Emerging Pollutants in Water and Waste Water (DEMEAU)

Rendering the use of raw materials more sustainable along their life cycle within Europe requires continuous and open debate between political, economic, societal and academic actors. The COBALT project will help foster such debate by organizing international... Read more
Freshwater biodiversity patterns and the processes that maintain them at European and global scale are poorly understood for most freshwater organisms. The BioFresh FP7 project built a public biodiversity information platform to bring together the vast amount of... Read more

Biodiversity of Freshwater Ecosystems: Status, Trends, Pressures, and Conservation Priorities (BioFresh)

Ecologic Institute implemented an ongoing project evaluation of the LIAISE network of excellence to assess the outcomes and the impacts of the LIAISE Network of Excellence. The main purpose of this was to identify and exploit opportunities to bridge the existing gap... Read more

Linking Impact Assessment Instruments to Sustainability Expertise (LIAISE)

The Ecologic Institute is a part of LEDDRA consortium. Launched in April 2010, the project will add new and will refine existing scientific and policy-relevant knowledge, especially within a cross-national context in the perspective of elaborating scientifically sound... Read more

Land and Ecosystem Degradation and Desertification: Assessing the Fit of Responses (LEDDRA)

The EPI-Water project aims to assess the effectiveness and the efficiency of Economic Policy Instruments in achieving water policy goals and to identify the preconditions under which they complement or perform better than alternative (e.g., regulatory or voluntary)... Read more

Evaluating Economic Policy Instruments for Sustainable Water Management in Europe (EPI-Water)

Over the last couple of decades, pharmaceutical products have been repeatedly found in environmental waters and even in drinking water. Although the effects of pharmaceuticals when ingested as medicine are well studied, the continuous ingestion of trace concentrations... Read more

Ecological and Human Health Risk Assessments of Drugs in the Environment (PHARMAS)

Learning for Sustainable Agriculture: Urban Gardening in Berlin
The last years have shown a boom of urban gardening initiatives in Berlin. Among the core motivations of many gardeners has been the wish to actively experience and contribute to sustainable agriculture. Within the European FP7 research project "SOLINSA – Support and... Read more

Learning for Sustainable Agriculture: Urban Gardening in Berlin

Climate change poses several threats to human security. Hydro-climatic hazards such as droughts and floods have the potential to trigger or exacerbate social tensions, intra- and inter-state conflict. The EU-funded project CLICO will examine the relationships between... Read more

Climate Change, Hydro-conflicts and Human Security (CLICO)

Wissenstransfer in Bergregionen
Global change holds many risks for European mountain regions. Melting glaciers, changes in permafrost and vegetation, as well as political, economic and cultural globalisation present dangers for mountain populations. Numerous research projects have produced valuable... Read more

Mountain Sustainability: Transforming Research into Practice (mountain.TRIP)


Further completed European research projects (previous framework programmes)

For a sustainable development within the EU all social costs of economic activities have to be considered. The integrated project EXIOPOL aims to assess these costs, which include environmental impacts, for the EU-25 and will depict them in an environmentally extended... Read more

A New Environmental Accounting Framework for Policy Analysis (EXIOPOL)

Innovative Processes and Practices for Wastewater Treatment and Re-Use in the Mediterranean Region (INNOVA-MED)
Wastewater treatment and re-use should be an essential part of sustainable water management strategies in the arid and semi-arid areas of the Mediterranean. The Coordination Action INNOVA-MED aims at coordinating research activities of ongoing and recently completed EU... Read more
Environmental Technologies, Training and Awareness-Raising (ETTAR)
Transportation, one of the backbones of today’s economy, is a service that significantly impacts the environment. The volume of transport, transport modes and technology used by transport vehicles determine the level of emissions into air (CO2, SO2, NOx, noise, etc.)... Read more

Environmental Technologies, Training and Awareness-Raising (ETTAR)

The concept of environmental and resource costs plays a central role in the economic analysis of the European Water Framework Directive (WFD). However, so far there are no methodological guidelines regarding their practical assessment and inclusion in the economic... Read more

Economic Assessment of Environment and Resource Costs in the Water Framework Directive (AquaMoney)

Rural Areas - People - Innovative Development (RAPIDO)
Despite three generations of rural development policies and with the 4th starting in 2007, rural areas still face considerable problems. Many problems of European societies such as an ageing population, high unemployment rates, social disparities and the lack of... Read more

Rural Areas - People - Innovative Development (RAPIDO)

There is a rapidly growing body of literature analysing and discussing measures to achieve the integration of environmental concerns into other policy areas (environmental policy integration, EPI). The project aims to structure these findings and to identify avenues for... Read more

Environmental Policy Integration and Multi-level Governance (EPIGOV)

Water management is influenced by many different factors. Current water management strategies are often not designed in a way to adequately accommodate and react to changing boundary conditions, such as climate change, new economic, social and political circumstances.... Read more

New Approaches to Adaptive Water Management under Uncertainty (NeWater)

Policy Incentives for Climate Change Mitigation Agricultural Techniques (PICCMAT)
Climate change is one of the main concerns of our modern civilisation. Agriculture is commonly estimated to be responsible for 9% of total greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions. The research project PICCMAT aimed to identify farming practices that reduce greenhouse gas... Read more

Policy Incentives for Climate Change Mitigation Agricultural Techniques (PICCMAT)

The implementation of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) requires the design of monitoring programmes for all EU Member States. The effectiveness of this implementation will depend to a great extent on the ability of Member States’ laboratories to measure chemical,... Read more

European Analytical Quality Control in Support of the Water Framework Directive (EAQC-WISE)

Backgrounds and Effects of EU Bioenergy Policies (AGRINERGY)
AGRINERGY (EU Bioenergy Policies and their effects on rural areas and agriculture policies) is a Specific Support Action (SSA) within the Sixth EU Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP6). The project aims to analyse and understand the socio... Read more

Backgrounds and Effects of EU Bioenergy Policies (AGRINERGY)

| Fotolia © JcJg Photography
Pharmaceuticals in the environment is an issue receiving growing attention. Over the past few years, the amount of research on the potential environmental effects and risks of pharmaceuticals has greatly increased. It thus becomes essential to point out key issues to be... Read more

Pharmaceutical Products in Environmental Waters (KNAPPE)

Resource Equivalency Methods for Assessing Environmental Damage in the EU (REMEDE)
The implementation of the Environmental Liability Directive (ELD) requires a coherent procedure in respect to the evaluation of the environmental damage. The REMEDE project aims to develop and explain resource equivalency methods to be applied in accordance with the... Read more

Resource Equivalency Methods for Assessing Environmental Damage in the EU (REMEDE)

GEM-CON-BIO aims to explore the interactions between governance modes and sustainable development objectives in particular biodiversity conservation. The objective is to identify through case studies, what type of governance processes and institutions can best... Read more

Governance and Ecosystems Management for the Conservation of Biodiversity (GEM-CON-BIO)

Cross Compliance: Costs, Benefits and Competition Effects
One of the key elements of the latest 2003 reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is compulsory compliance with environmental, food safety, animal welfare, and animal and plant health standards. Additionally, it is required that farmers maintain their farmland... Read more

Cross Compliance: Costs, Benefits and Competition Effects

The project's objective is to identify optimal waste management strategies for three different European regions. A multidisciplinary (environmental, economic, social, legal) approach is applied in evaluating different strategies. Ecologic will cover the socio-economic... Read more

Holistic Assessment of Waste Management Technologies (HOLIWAST)

The underlying goal of the SWIFT-WFD project is to support the implementation of the Water Framework Directive (WFD). The project's objective is to identify the monitoring methods in use and assess how they support the WFD implementation. It also aims to develop new... Read more

Screening Methods for the Water Framework Directive (SWIFT-WFD)

Sustainability Impacts of Trade Policies (SIA-Method)
The challenge of developing robust methodologies to undertake ex ante and/or ex post sustainability assessments of trade policies remains largely unmet. In cooperation with further members of the CAT-E network Ecologic analyses and develops methodological approaches for... Read more

Sustainability Impacts of Trade Policies (SIA-Method)

Techniques for Evaluation of Sustainability Assessment Tools (Sustainability A-Test)
In the course of the 6th Framework Programme, Ecologic participated in the "Sustainability A-Test" project. Coordinated by our Dutch network partner IVM, 18 research institutes from 9 different countries compared different policy appraisal and evaluation tools, in order... Read more

Techniques for Evaluation of Sustainability Assessment Tools (Sustainability A-Test)

The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and the Water Framework Directive (WFD) are two of the most influential European policies in the area of environmental issues. Within this sixth Framework Programme (FP6) project, Ecologic and the Warsaw Agricultural University (WAU)... Read more

Water Framework Directive Meets Common Agricultural Policy

Trade, intellectual property rights and sustainable development (IPDEV)
Intellectual property right (IPR) rules have strong impacts on economic growth, environmental protection and social objectives. Within the IPDEV project Ecologic identifies IPR-related policies which are supportive to sustainable development goals. Based on quantitative... Read more

Trade, intellectual property rights and sustainable development (IPDEV)

Following the conclusion of the Uruguay Round, the agenda of the World Trade Organization (WTO) expanded to incorporate a number of environment related issues, such as services, intellectual property rights, and investment related measures. The EU-funded CAT+E project ... Read more

Concerted Action on Trade + Environment (CAT+E)

The Water Framework Directive restructures the legislative frame for the protection of European water bodies and establishes new approaches to an integrated and comprehensive management of river basins. Part of these novel approaches is the explicit requirement for an... Read more

Public Participation and the European Water Framework Directive (HarmoniCOP)

Benchmarking of Water Supply and Sanitation Services (Waterbench)
Together with partner institutes in France and Russia Ecologic is identifying a set of benchmarking indicators for Water Supply and Sanitation (WSS) services. These indicators are to assist the WSS sectoral reform and modernisation in the Newly Independent States (NIS).... Read more

Benchmarking of Water Supply and Sanitation Services (Waterbench)

Trade, Societies and Sustainable Development (SUSTRA)
In cooperation with the European SUSTRA-Network Ecologic analyses the relationship between trade, environment and sustainable development. As a part of the project, Ecologic convened an international workshop on the architecture of global governance of trade and... Read more

Trade, Societies and Sustainable Development (SUSTRA)
