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Dr. Zoritza Kiresiewa

Dr. Zoritza Kiresiewa


Coordinator EU Research
Senior Fellow


Dr. Zoritza Kiresiewa works as a Senior Fellow in the fields of bioeconomy and sustainable development at Ecologic Institute. Her other research interests include international development, climate adaptation and land management. Dr. Zoritza Kiresiewa coordinates the European research activities at Ecologic Institute. A native Bulgarian speaker, she is fluent in German and English and has a good knowledge of Russian.

Dr. Zoritza Kiresiewa deals with questions relating to the significance of the bioeconomy and its consequences. Her particular research interest focuses on the extent to which bioeconomy can contribute to global food security and the sustainable use of resources as well as the ensuing impact on the environment. For the project "Sustainable Resource Use - Requirements for a Sustainable Bioeconomy from the Agenda 2030/ SDG Implementation", funded by the German Federal Environment Agency, she analyzes the goals and the characteristics of relevant political bioeconomy strategies and the actors involved in their development and implementation. Since 2019, she supports the development of regional strategies, which promote the sustainable use of agricultural, forest and marine ecosystems, as part of the project "Bio-based Strategies and Roadmaps for Enhanced Rural and Regional Development in the EU" (BE-Rural). Between 2015 and 2018, she worked on the project "Promoting Stakeholder Engagement and Public Awareness for a Participative Governance of the European Bioeconomy" (BioSTEP).

Previously, Dr. Zoritza Kiresiewa was involved in stakeholder analysis in the field of climate change adaptation which dealt with the interests and perceptions of relevant stakeholders from policy, industry and civil society and the trade-offs between the different stakeholders groups. As a native speaker, Dr. Zoritza Kiresiewa is involved in projects for the implementation of diverse European directives and environmental policies in Bulgaria. Between 2014 and 2017, she coordinated the framework contract "Studies in the Field of Environment, Climate Change, Energy and Space Policy" for the European Committee of the Regions.


Dr. Zoritza Kiresiewa studied geography at the Free University of Berlin (FU Berlin) with a focus on development policy and environmental protection. Her doctoral thesis examined land management, the development of livelihood and climate adaptation strategies at the local level as well as the promotion of sustainable resource use by development organizations in Mongolia.

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