Landwirtschaft und Ernährungssicherung in der Mongolei
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Kiresiewa, Zoritza; Ankhtuya Altangada and Jörg Janzen 2012: “Landwirtschaft und Ernährungssicherheit in der Mongolei”. Geographische Rundschau, No. 12, 18-25.
Although Mongolia's GDP has grown consistently in recent years due to the booming mining sector, poverty is still widespread. This article aims to determine the extent to which agriculture contributes to food security in Mongolia and highlights the problems and challenges this sector is facing. In this article, published in the Geographische Rundschau, the authors Zoritza Kiresiewa (Ecologic Institute), Ankhtuya Altangadas, and Jörg Janzen answer these questions.
Despite the harsh continental climate that limits production, agriculture continues to play a prominent role in the Mongolian economy and provides considerable possibilities to reduce poverty in rural areas. It is dominated by the extensive mobile livestock keeping, which has always been a traditional way of life and production, and a substantial part of the household economy. Farming is now also is taking off and offers additional income.
With this in mind, the authors discuss the problems and challenges in the agricultural sector. One challenge, for example, is that the increasing number grazing animals is exerting enormous pressure on pasture resources and leading to land degradation. The authors conclude that Mongolia's government must address these challenges now, or risk that its weak governance structures will only exacerbate resource scarcity in the next few decades.