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Facilitating Multi-level Governance for Energy Efficiency (multEE)

Facilitating Multi-level Governance for Energy Efficiency (multEE)

Research Program

The overall objective of multEE was to improve the consistency and quality of energy efficiency policy planning and implementation at different administrative levels in the beneficiary countries. The multEE project supported this objective through the introduction of innovative monitoring and verification (M&V) schemes based on bottom-up data to ensure the impact of energy efficiency measures was correctly evaluated and could be used for future energy efficiency planning. Moreover, multEE aimed to improve vertical coordination between administrative levels to fully utilize the integrated M&V schemes developed in multEE and enhance the overall quality of energy efficiency planning and implementation.

A step-by-step approach was adopted for both sub-goals: European best practices were mapped and analyzed, a best-case model was developed and adapted to the specific needs of each partner country, while necessary capacities were built. The transferability of results to ensure dissemination to all interested countries was also made possible.

The project involved five work packages to achieve its goals. The first work package analyzed the status quo of energy efficiency M&V schemes in Europe and developed an inventory of best practices. The second work package developed a methodology for bottom-up data collection and an integrated M&V scheme for the participating countries, including capacity building. The third work package formulated recommendations for country-specific coordination mechanisms and capacity building, based on the best practices identified in the first work package and the developed methodology in the second work package. The results were concrete proposals for multilevel governance procedures for each selected partner country to improve coordination among the administrative levels and increase efforts to implement energy efficiency policies and measures. Ecologic Institute led the fourth work package on communication and dissemination. This included developing the overall communication and dissemination strategy, creating the visual identity, website, and further internal and external communication tools, such as project flyers or an intranet space. Organizing events, such as the final project conference in Vienna, was another task within this work package.

In this context, numerous publications were produced throughout the project, documenting the results and progress of multEE. A complete list of these publications and links to the relevant resources can be found here:

In addition, Ecologic Institute contributed to the second and third work packages.

multEE was led by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and was funded by the European Commission's Horizon 2020 Programme.


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Andreas Prahl
Christian Bruhn
Beáta Welk Vargová
Project ID
energy efficiency, multi-level governance
vertical coordination, monitoring, indicators, communication, dissemination