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multEE – Facilitating Multi-level Governance for Energy Efficiency


multEE – Facilitating Multi-level Governance for Energy Efficiency


MultEE Consortium 2016: multEE – Facilitating Multi-level Governance for Energy Efficiency, URL:

The multEE website provides valuable information on how to improve the consistency and quality of energy efficiency policy planning and implementation in the European Union (EU) and beyond. Project reports, policy briefs, events and relevant news are regularly featured and promoted on the multEE website.

The multEE website reflects the step-by-step approach adopted during the project and presents the work being undertaken. National country factsheets present the current state of M&V schemes and coordination mechanisms applied in the EU Member States, which have been analysed at the beginning of the project. Best practice examples are currently being identified and will be integrated into the existing country factsheets.

The website will also include reports on newly developed bottom-up calculation methods and the definition of data collection processes. Specific information will be published on the IT solution currently designed by GIZ/Open Regional Fund for South East Europe – Energy Efficiency (ORF-EE). The MVP web application allows the monitoring of implementation of all energy efficiency policy plans at all previously defined administrative levels. Towards the end of the project, concrete proposals will be presented for multilevel governance procedures in the partner countries to improve coordination among administrative levels.

Energy efficiency (EE) is a pillar of the EU energy and climate policy

EE contributes to the reduction of energy bills, the reduction of imports of energy carriers, as well as the reduction of damages to the environment. However, there are numerous challenges associated with the introduction of EE policies, such as:

  • Lack of reliable data on EE measures and their results
  • Lack of vertical and horizontal coordination of EE planning & implementation
  • Lack of capacities of public authorities for planning and implementing EE measures in a multilevel governance setting

The objective of the multEE project is to improve the consistency and quality of energy efficiency policy planning and implementation through innovative bottom-up monitoring and verification (M&V) schemes, as well as through improved vertical coordination between different administrative levels. The project results will be implemented in various partner countries.

The multEE project is funded by the European Commission's Horizon 2020 Programme.

The multEE consortium is led by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and includes Ecologic Institute (Germany), the Austrian Energy Agency (AEA), the Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving (CRES), the Institute of Physical Energetic (IPE), the Energy Institute Hrvoje Pozar (EIHP), the Lithuanian Energy Institute (LEI), the Macedonian Center for Energy Efficiency (MACEF), the Slovakian Innovation and Energy Agency (SIEA) and the University of Roskilde (RUC).

Ecologic Institute and its project partners are proud to launch the multEE internet platform.


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Concept: Chiara Mazzetti, Andreas Prahl, Elena von Sperber

Design: Beáta Welk Vargová

Technical Implementation: Sebastian Ossio

Editors/Content Management: Chiara Mazzetti, Elena von Sperber

Project ID
project report, policy brief, event, news, country information sheets, best practice examples, bottom-up calculation method, data acquisition process, IT solutions, multi-level governance, bottom-up monitoring and verification system, vertical coordination