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Improving the Market Access of Sustainable Bio-based Products (BIOBRIDGES)

Improving the Market Access of Sustainable Bio-based Products (BIOBRIDGES)

Research Program

BIOBRIDGES's overall aim is to ensure the marketability of sustainable bio-based products by establishing primary partnerships between bio-based industries, brand owners and consumer representatives in cooperation with other stakeholders like local communities, local authorities and industrial actors. The ambition is to create at least two new cross-sector interconnections in bio-based economy clusters.

Specifically, the project's objectives are to:

  • identify and analyse the cooperation challenges among consumers, brand owners and bio-based industries;
  • increase consumers' and brand owners' confidence, trust and awareness of bio-based products;
  • establish primary partnerships between consumer representatives, brand owners and bio-based industries to foster the acceptance and uptake of sustainable bio-based products to consumer markets, thus creating new bio-based value chains;
  • create at least two new cross-cutting interconnections in bio-based economy clusters;
  • define replicable procedures and good practices leading to the establishment of new cross-sector partnerships and business opportunities;
  • stimulate the multi-stakeholders discussion toward pre-and co-normative research, new standardisation/labelling and emerging co-creation models (B2B and B2C).

Ecologic Institute's role in the project focusses on the analysis of existing bioeconomy clusters across Europe and on the organisation of co-creation events with national and regional bioeconomy stakeholders.


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Project ID
bioeconomy, bio-based products
literature review, workshops, co-creation