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Support to Research and Innovation Policy for Bio-based Products (BIO-SPRI)

| © Laura Griestop

Support to Research and Innovation Policy for Bio-based Products (BIO-SPRI)


Focus on: Environmental Impact (LCA), EU Commercial and Financial Success Stories and Top 20 Novel Products in Development

The overall objective of this project is to provide a range of new information and analyses that will enable policy-makers, the scientific community, primary producers, business enterprises and other stakeholders to make more informed decisions about innovative bio-based products.

Specifically the project will result in:

  • better decisions about whether and when to consider policy measures to support innovative bio-based products;
  • better decisions about where to concentrate research and innovation funding within the overall field of bio-based products;
  • and better decisions about whether and when to invest in the scaled-up production of innovative bio-based products.

The project is organised in three distinct but related tasks comprising the analysis of the environmental impact of innovative bio-based products, raising awareness about commercial and financial success stories within the EU, and finally, identifying the top 20 innovative bio-based products holding the greatest promise for deployment in the coming 5 to 15 years.

Ecologic Institute is responsible for the project's communication and dissemination activities. These include a stakeholder and target group analysis, the development of a target-oriented communication and dissemination strategy, the design and production of various outreach materials, and the organisation of a final dissemination conference.


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Sarina Bstieler
Beáta Welk Vargová
Project ID
Bioeconomy, bio-based products and processes, Research & Innovation (R&I), EU