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Supporting and Standardizing Climate Services in Europe and Beyond (Climateurope2)

©Arne Riedel|CC BY-NC SA

Supporting and Standardizing Climate Services in Europe and Beyond (Climateurope2)

Research Program

Climateurope2 is a 4.5-year Horizon Europe project that addresses the need for timely delivery and effective use of climate information. The project aims to support the climate services community and propose standardisation procedures for future equitable and quality-assured climate services, useful for decision making in all sectors of society.

The project will identify the support and standardisation needs of climate services, including criteria for certification and labelling, as well as the user-driven criteria needed to support climate action. Using approaches from social sciences and humanities, as well as extensive technical expertise, a community of practice will be built for this standardisation through the Climateurope2 platform. Furthermore, co-production and stakeholder engagement in climate services will be addressed through the creation of a network of different European climate services actors.

Ecologic Institute is co-leading the work package policy support for climate services which includes the following objectives: Assess the coherence between CS standardisation activities to illustrate how the coordination between regional, national and European activities and their implementation can be improved; Identify place-based knowledge needs of local communities as well as nested forms of local adaptation in order to understand how trust into standardised CS can be maintained; Support the robust co-production between CS providers and users by developing coherent, policy-relevant good practices and guidelines for the use of CS and their certification.


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Climate service, standardization, social science and humanities, EU policies, processes, stakeholder, social context, user requirements