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Enhancing User Intelligence: Targeted User Uptake for C3S

Enhancing User Intelligence: Targeted User Uptake for C3S


Improving the way users benefit from the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) is a top priority. The European Union and ECMWF, as the C3S implementing organization, are aware of the increasing significance of climate data and services in addressing the challenges posed by climate change. They recognize that direct engagement with users is the linchpin for optimizing the value of C3S products and services.

As climate-related decisions impact diverse aspects of policy making, it is clear that comprehending users' specific needs is of utmost importance. Users, including government bodies, businesses, and individuals, require climate information tailored to their unique requirements. Engaging with users, gaining insights into their distinctive needs, and leveraging this knowledge to enhance C3S services are indispensable.

The project objective is to gain a deeper understanding of the climate data users require and how this information can empower them to make informed decisions in the context of climate-related challenges. The project builds upon prior experiences of working with users across Europe. The project envisages the organization of user interaction sessions, encompassing six national and three transboundary events. Several of these events will be conducted online, fostering broad participation. Others will consist of face-to-face workshops designed for smaller, more focused groups. The project also features two stakeholder workshops in collaboration with the European Commission.

In tandem with hosting workshops, the project will enhance the User Requirements Database (URDB), streamlining it to be more user-friendly and efficient while adhering to ECMWF standards. Regular analysis and summarization of user requirements will support the continuous development of C3S services.

Within the project, Ecologic Institute provides strategic and organizational support for the development and implementation of user interaction sessions and policy events.


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Project ID
Europe, climate data, climate change, climate adaptation