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The BIG FIVE: Regionale Ernährung und Flächenentwicklung zusammendenken! – Fact Sheet


© KOPOS project 2024

The BIG FIVE: Regionale Ernährung und Flächenentwicklung zusammendenken! – Fact Sheet

Handlungsempfehlungen für die Region Berlin-Brandenburg


Jakab, A.; Rogga, S.; Obersteg, A. und A. Piorr. 2024. The BIG FIVE – Regionale Ernährung und Flächenentwicklung zusammendenken! Politische Handlungsempfehlungen für das Handlungsfeld "Zugang zu Land" und "Sicherung von Land". KOPOS Fact Sheet; Berlin.

This fact sheet summarizes the recommendations for action of the corresponding KOPOS Policy Brief for the Berlin-Brandenburg region, which focus on the integration of regional diet and land development. The document contains five central recommendations, each of which includes concrete measures:

  1. Integration of diet into public services of general interest: This involves the integration of food policy objectives into the overall planning of the federal states of Berlin and Brandenburg, support for local authorities in municipal food strategies and the inclusion of food as a task of municipal services of general interest.
  2. Declaration of agricultural areas as priority areas: This includes the protection of agricultural areas in joint state planning, the upgrading of municipal planning instruments to safeguard these areas and the integration of priority areas for agriculture into regional plans.
  3. Containment, control and sanctioning of land consumption: It is proposed that municipal land development be more strictly controlled and a land certificate concept be introduced.
  4. Proactive and public welfare-oriented land policy: The establishment of a non-profit land company in Brandenburg, the establishment of inter-municipal agricultural land funds and the creation of a coordination office for municipal land allocation systems in Brandenburg are recommended.
  5. Strengthening informal inter-municipal cooperation on food and land development: This includes strengthening existing networks, promoting inter-municipal cooperation and integrating the topic of food into municipal neighborhood forums.

The document is part of the KOPOS research project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, which deals with cooperation and pooling models for sustainable land use and food supply in the urban-rural network. It aims to facilitate access to land and investigate how to secure it for sustainable agriculture.


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Annabella Jakab (Netzwerk Flächensicherung e.V)
Sebastian Rogga & Annette Piorr (Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung (ZALF) e.V.)
Andreas Obersteg (HafenCity Universität Hamburg)

Design and Layout: Beáta Welk Vargová and Lena Aebli (Ecologic Institute)

2 pp.
Project ID
Land access, securing land, cooperation and pooling: governance and organizational models, urban-rural cooperation
Berlin, Brandenburg, Germany
Recommendations and options