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The BIG FIVE – Regionale Ernährung und Flächenentwicklung zusammendenken!


KOPOS project 2023

The BIG FIVE – Regionale Ernährung und Flächenentwicklung zusammendenken!

Handlungsempfehlungen für die Region Berlin-Brandenburg


Jakab, A.; Rogga, S.; Obersteg, A. und A. Piorr. 2023. The BIG FIVE – Regionale Ernährung und Flächenentwicklung zusammendenken! Politische Handlungsempfehlungen für das Handlungsfeld "Zugang zu Land" und "Sicherung von Land". KOPOS Policy Brief; Berlin.

Securing agricultural land is a relevant challenge. The development of policy recommendations beyond "lessons learned" from the model phase of the KOPOS project was an important building block to conclude the first phase of the project. The results were published in the form of a policy brief.

The authors of the policy brief see different starting points for securing agricultural land against other land use claims and are primarily aimed at the state and municipal levels.

On the one hand, there is a need to recognize that securing land can address different target levels of a sustainability-oriented policy. To this end, the authors advocate greater integration of the topics of agriculture, food, sustainability and rural development.

They also recommend using spatial planning instruments to curb the current consumption of agricultural land and thus protect it from conversion.

Finally, various recommendations are presented on how more cooperative approaches can reduce inefficiencies in spatial planning and increase sustainability potential. Better cooperation between actors from politics and administration is seen as the strongest lever.

KOPOS publishes policy recommendations on "securing rural land" and "access to land"


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Annabella Jakab (Netzwerk Flächensicherung e.V.)
Sebastian Rogga (ZALF)
Andreas Obersteg (HCU Hamburg)
Annette Piorr (ZALF)

Layout: Lena Aebli, Beáta Welk Vargová (Ecologic Institute)

23 pp.
Project ID
Land access, securing land, cooperation and pooling: governance and organizational models, urban-rural cooperation
Berlin, Brandenburg, Germany
Recommendations and options