Doris Knoblauch answers questions from the audience at the panel "'Lessons Learned' and Practical Examples from Innovative Climate Protection Projects."
|© Felix Nütz
NKI Networking Meeting of Innovative Climate Protection Projects
- Presentation
- Date
- Location
- Berlin, Germany
- Chairing
Doris Knoblauch moderated the networking meeting of innovative climate protection projects in the framework of the National Climate Initiative (NKI) for Ecologic Institute on 7 and 8 June 2023.
Representatives from nearly 100 NKI-funded projects came together for two days of exchange and networking at the Tagungswerk in Berlin. The projects represented the entire range of innovative climate protection projects of the NKI and were composed of the four thematic fields of municipalities, economy, consumers and education. In addition, representatives of the NKI's project sponsor and organizer of the networking meeting, "Zukunft - Umwelt - Gesellschaft gGmbH" (Future - Environment - Society), were present to exchange ideas with the projects.
Doris Knoblauch set the framework of the meeting with her moderation and guided the participants through the event. Together with Dr. Swen Reinhardt and Irina Kohl from Division KB5 of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK), she took over the welcoming and opening of the event.
On the first day, she also moderated a panel with five representatives from all four thematic areas of innovative climate protection projects and discussed their experiences with the project work. She asked the panelists about the successes of their projects and how NKI funding has contributed to them, but also about challenges, such as the need to take projects "broadly". Doris Knoblauch also moderated questions from the audience, which revolved, for example, around the actual impact and radicalness of the projects.
On the second day of the networking meeting, four workshops took place in two rounds. Here, more specific topics were discussed in depth in small groups. The Ecologic Institute team also participated in these workshops, so that Doris Knoblauch could summarize the most important points in front of all participants. Afterward she said goodbye to all participants and thanked them for the constructive and stimulating exchange of the last two days.