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Evaluation 2020/2021 des Förderaufrufs "Innovative Klimaschutzprojekte" im Rahmen der Nationalen Klimaschutzinitiative (NKI)

Cover of a report titled 'Evaluation 2020/2021 of the Innovative Climate Protection Projects under the National Climate Initiative (NKI)', commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action. Featuring logos from associated research institutes like IFEU, ICE, Öko-Institut, Ecologic, Prognos, and Fraunhofer ISI, with 'Prof. Dr. Stefan Klinski' noted as the author.

© Oeko-Institut 2023

Evaluation 2020/2021 des Förderaufrufs "Innovative Klimaschutzprojekte" im Rahmen der Nationalen Klimaschutzinitiative (NKI)


Velten, Eike Karola, de la Vega, Ramiro, Kögel, Nora (2023): Evaluation 2020/2021 des Förderaufrufs „Innovative Klimaschutzprojekte“ im Rahmen der Nationalen Klimaschutzinitiative (NKI). Bericht zum Vorhaben Evaluation, Begleitung und Anpassung bestehender Förderprogramme sowie Weiterentwicklung der Nationalen Klimaschutzinitiative (NKI). Ecologic Institute: Berlin.

The latest evaluation of the innovative climate protection projects for the period 2020 to 2021 is now available. During this evaluation period, the projects accomplished an additional 0.41 million metric tonnes of CO2 reductions, alongside notably higher indirect reductions. The projects were able to trigger transformation by empowering their target groups to question, change and replace prevailing structures, established practices and techniques. At the same time, their predominantly national coverage as well as visibility, comprehensibility and connectivity for the target group and imitators contributed to a high transformational outcome.

These findings, along with others, stem from our comprehensive multi-year evaluation conducted in partnership with the Oeko-Institut, encompassing various funding calls of the National Climate Protection Initiative (NCI). The summary report and all individual evaluations are available for download in German.

The call for funding Innovative Climate Protection Projects is an integral component of the NCI, led by the German Federal Ministry for the Economy and Climate Protection. Since 2008, the NCI has been investing in climate protection projects across Germany, actively contributing to the realization of the Federal Government's climate protection objectives. These innovative climate protection projects not only bring forth new knowledge but also disseminate existing knowledge to foster changes in behavior, purchasing choices, practices, and processes. In pursuit of these goals, these projects organize awareness campaigns, offer direct guidance, promote knowledge sharing and assist in capacity building and education within various climate-related areas of action.

For additional information, please visit the National Climate Initiative's website.

Report on the funding call for innovative climate protection projects – Evaluation of the National Climate Protection Initative 2020-2021


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Taking into account the detailed evaluations of particular projects by:
Isabel Haase (Ecologic Institute),
Rebecca Noebel (Ecologic Institute),
Katharina Umpfenbach (Ecologic Institute),
Ramiro de la Vega (Ecologic Institute).

Published in
NKI website: Die Nationale Klimaschutzinitiative: Innovative Klimaschutzprojekte Evaluation 2021 (German)
Published by
56 pp.
Project ID
Table of contents
Funding, Climate Protection, Energy Efficiency, Energy Savings