Foto von Jan van der Wolf
Capacity Building on Emissions Trading to Support Bilateral Cooperation 2023-2025
- Project
- Duration
The project aims to communicate the benefits and challenges of emissions trading and provides information to interested partner countries. It is the follow-up project to "Capacity Building Emissions Trading to Support Bilateral Cooperation 2021-2022". A consortium consisting of adelphi, FutureCamp, Oeko-Institut and Ecologic Institute is carrying out the project on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection.
The upcoming project phase focuses on intensifying the dissemination of knowledge on emissions trading within the framework of various events. Workshops, informative panels and side events are organised by the consortium in Germany and abroad, for and with foreign governments, government-related institutions and interested stakeholders.
In 2023 the project team published a Capacity Building ETS 'Policy Paper' which provides an overview of basic principles and experiences of emissions trading in Europe with a focus on Germany.
More information is available on the project website.