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Thementag: Plastik in der Umwelt

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© Ecologic Institute

Thementag: Plastik in der Umwelt


Ecologic Institute (2022): Thementag: Plastik in der Umwelt.

The Ecologic Institute designed and developed the theme day website "Plastic in the Environment". It contained the event documentation and programme information.

In the framework of the scientific accompanying research (PlastikNet) of the funding programme "Plastic in the environment – sources, sinks, solutions" (Plastik in der Umwelt – Quellen, Senken, Lösungsansätze) Ecologic Institute coordinates 18 research projects, which deal with plastic in the environment funded by the Federal Ministry for Education and Research (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, BMBF).


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