Warum regionale Lebensmittel? Ernährungswende – Regional Gedacht (1/4)
10th episode of "Knowledge for Future – The Environment Podcast"
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Ecologic Institute, detektor.fm 2021: Warum regionale Lebensmittel? Ernährungswende – Regional Gedacht (1/4). Knowledge for Future – Der Umwelt-Podcast. 8 November 2021. Online: https://detektor.fm/gesellschaft/knowledge-for-future-ernaehrungswende-…
The globalisation of agriculture means that cities are no longer primarily supplied by their surrounding areas. Yet, regional structures can help to make food more sustainable and environmentally friendly.
In this podcast, detektor.fm presenter Charlotte Thielmann asks Stephanie Wunder from Ecologic Institute whether regional food is the answer to the problems of the food industry.
Sebastian Rogga from the Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) introduces the KOPOS project. At the Berlin-Mette farm garden, the owner and farm gardeners talk about why regional vegetables are important to them.
The KOPOS project network is investigating which approaches to a regional food economy work best. To do so, local projects which not only produce regionally, but also ecologically and fairly are being looked at.
Would you like to know more? Here you can find all episodes of "Knowledge for Future – The Environmental Podcast".