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Forschung trifft auf Praxis: Und was kommt dabei raus?
8th episode of "Knowledge for Future – The Environment Podcast"
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- Citation
Ecologic Institute, 2020: Forschung trifft auf Praxis: Und was kommt dabei raus?. Knowledge for Future – Der Umwelt-Podcast. 12 February 2020. Online:…
If science provides the right impulses, completely new ideas can emerge in practice. The last episode of the environmental podcast "Knowledge for Future" dealt with the importance of transdisciplinary research, in particular with the synergies and challenges that can arise when research and companies work together.
This episode focuses on two concrete examples of such synergetic cooperations: sustainability within the food and fashion industry.
Would you like to hear more? All episodes of "Knowledge for Future – The Environment Podcast" can be streamed here.