Landwirtschaft, aber nachhaltig – Einer muss immer anfangen
2nd episode of "Knowledge for Future - The Environment Podcast"
- Publication
- Citation
Ecologic Institute, 2019: Landwirtschaft, aber nachhaltig - Einer muss immer anfangen. Knowledge for Future - The Environment Podcast. Podcast. 19. June 2019. Online:…
"Sustainable Agriculture – Someone has to take the first step": Welcome to the second episode of the environment-focused podcast series "Knowledge for Future", produced by Ecologic Institute and
Today organic products are all the rage, but long before the big supermarket chains added organic milk and co. to their product range, people in Germany were dedicated to biological, sustainable agriculture.
Would you like to hear more? All episodes of "Knowledge for Future – The Environment Podcast" can be streamed here.
- Language
- Credits
Concept and Content: Melanie Kemper, Marius Hasenheit, Lisa Meinecke (Ecologic Institute), Wiebke Peters,
Speaker: Marie Landes ( Funding
Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), Germany German Aerospace Center, DLR Bonn (DLR), Germany - Year
- Dimension
- 15:16 min
- Project
- Project ID
- Keywords
solidarity, ecological agriculture, environmental podcast, sustainable, ecological management, nutrition, food, organic seal, milk, regional, organic, species-appropriate animal husbandry, agriculture, dairy farmers, potato, town garden, fruit, vegetables, box, dairy, organic shop, dairy, consumer, meatGermany, Schleswig-Holstein, Bavaria
Ecologic Institute, 2019: Nachhaltige Finanzierungskonzepte – Auch Weltverbesserer brauchen Geld. Knowledge for Future – The Environment Podcast. Podcast. 20 June 2019.
Ecologic Institute, 2019: Nachhaltig bis zur Wertschöpfungskette – Sharing is caring. Knowledge for Future – The Environment Podcast. Podcast. 21 June 2019. Online:…
NaWiKo (2018). Das Reallabor als Forschungsprozess und -infrastruktur für nachhaltige Entwicklung - Konzepte, Herausforderungen und Empfehlungen. NaWiKo Working Paper No 1. | NaWiKo (2018). Local and sustainable food businesses - Assessing the role of supply chain coordination. NaWiKo Working Paper No 2. | NaWiKo (2018). Handlungsansätze zur Förderung nachhaltiger Ernährungssysteme. Ergebnispapier von BMBF-Forschungsprojekten zum Thema Ernährung. NaWiKo Working Paper No. 3.
Wunder, S.; Antoni-Komar, I.; Claupein, E.; Dirksmeyer, W.; Eberle, U.; Friedrich, S.; Hafner, G.; Hoffmann, S.; Joerß, T.; Langen, N.; Quack, D.; Schmidt, T.; Schmid, M.; Schulze-Ehlers, B.; Speck, M.; Teitscheid, P.; Teufel, J.; Waskow, F. (2018). Handlungsansätze zur Förderung nachhaltiger Ernährungssysteme. Ergebnispapier von BMBF-Forschungsprojekten zum Thema Ernährung. NaWiKo-Synthesepapier.
Panel discussion:Sustainable Diets
- Date
- Location
- Berlin, Germany
Speech:Regional Food Systems in the Rural Urban Nexus
- Date
- Location
- Berlin, Germany
Umweltbundesamt (Ed.) 2017: Landwirtschaft – Tierarzneimittel – Umwelt. Wie kann die Tierhaltung Einträge vermindern? UBA brochure. 12 pages. Dessau-Roßlau.
Umweltbundesamt (2017): Tierarzneimittel in der Umwelt: Abbau, Verlagerung und Verbleib. Interactive Infographic. Online:
Umweltbundesamt (2018): Tierarzneimittel in der Umwelt. internet portal. URL: