Nachhaltige Finanzierungskonzepte – Auch Weltverbesserer brauchen Geld
3rd episode of "Knowledge for Future – The Environment Podcast"
- Publication
- Citation
Ecologic Institute, 2019: Nachhaltige Finanzierungskonzepte – Auch Weltverbesserer brauchen Geld. Knowledge for Future – The Environment Podcast. Podcast. 20 June 2019.
The third episode of the environment-focused podcast "Knowledge for Future" looks at concepts for sustainable financing.
There are many innovative ideas for a more environmentally friendly and sustainable economy. However, the implementation of these concepts requires capital investments – money that small companies and initiatives do not always have available. In order to deal with these financing challenges, citizens corporations and the principle of solidarity can provide a helpful start.
Would you like to hear more? All episodes of "Knowledge for Future – The Environment Podcast" can be streamed here.
- Language
- Credits
Concept and Content: Melanie Kemper, Marius Hasenheit, Lisa Meinecke (Ecologic Institute), Wiebke Peters,
Speaker: Marie Landes ( Funding
Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), Germany German Aerospace Center, DLR Bonn (DLR), Germany - Year
- Dimension
- 15:27 min
- Project
- Project ID
- Keywords
Sustainable financing concepts, environmental podcast, sustainable management, nutrition, food, ecological agriculture, civic society, solidarity principle, solidarity agriculture, civic society
Ecologic Institute, 2019: Landwirtschaft, aber nachhaltig - Einer muss immer anfangen. Knowledge for Future - The Environment Podcast. Podcast. 19. June 2019. Online:…
Ecologic Institute, 2019: Nachhaltig bis zur Wertschöpfungskette – Sharing is caring. Knowledge for Future – The Environment Podcast. Podcast. 21 June 2019. Online:…
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- Date
- Location
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- Date
- Location
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