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Scientific Coordination of Research Projects on a Sustainable Economy

Auftaktkonferenz (Foto: Michael Gottschalk/phototek)

Scientific Coordination of Research Projects on a Sustainable Economy


In the project "Scientific coordination of research projects on a sustainable economy" (Wissenschaftliche Koordination der Fördermaßnahme Nachhaltiges Wirtschaften, NaWiKo) Ecologic Institute and its partners coordinate 30 research projects, which deal with a more sustainable economy and are supported by the Federal Ministry for Education and Research (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, BMBF).

The transition to a more sustainable economy is a complex process, which requires the cooperation among different actors. Insights and findings regarding innovation, sustainability assessment, consumers’ behavior and communication, as well as demands and possibilities for actions can help with the transition. For that reason, a number of research projects on various aspects of how to make the German economy more sustainable are funded by the BMBF as part of its funding programme Sustainable Economy. Within that funding programme 30 research projects, which show perspectives for a more sustainable economy, are funded for three years. The funded projects investigate a variety of topics, such as mobility, sharing economy, soft tourism, sustainable diets and clothes. Hence, the projects cover a wide range of ideas, levels of action (from local to global) and methods.

There is great potential for thematic and methodic synergies between all of these projects, which should be used. The identification and use of these synergies is the ultimate goal of the NaWiKo project. NaWiKo consists of activities in four areas:

  • Identification of the coordination and transfer requirements of the individual projects (document analysis, interviews with the funded projects, creation of a web platform)
  • Knowledge exchange among and cross-linking of the individual projects (through national and international conferences as well as thematic workshops)
  • Synthesis of overarching project results through synthesis papers (with recommendations for action) and special issues of scientific journals
  • Knowledge transfer and public outreach (media outreach, transfer workshops and a network of relevant actors from business, politics and civil society)

With these activities, the project team aims to contribute to the political and societal impact of the funded research projects.

To find out more about the NaWiKo project, follow NaWiKo via Twitter.


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German Aerospace Center, DLR Bonn (DLR), Germany
Dr. Martin Hirschnitz-Garbers
Dr. Christiane Gerstetter
Marius Hasenheit
Susanne Müller
Lucas Porsch
Karl Lehmann
Beáta Welk Vargová
Sebastian Ossio
Christian Bruhn
Project ID
transformation, business models, transdisciplinarity, Germany, green economy