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Circular City Berlin – Kreislaufwirtschaft der zweiten Generation

Publication Cover with a photo of the city of Berlin

© Ecologic Institute

Circular City Berlin – Kreislaufwirtschaft der zweiten Generation

Konzeptionelle Übersicht eines neuen Innovationsökosystems


Behrendt, Siegfried; Zwiers, Jakob; Henseling, Christine; Hirschnitz-Garbers, Martin (2021): Circular City Berlin – Kreislaufwirtschaft der zweiten Generation. Konzeptionelle Übersicht eines neuen Innovationsökosystems, Berlin: Ecornet Berlin.

As part of the CiBER project "Circular City Berlin - pathways from potential to implementation", initiatives and business models are being investigated that can contribute to the development of a next-generation circular economy in Berlin. The special focus is on the areas of construction, electronics and textiles. The next-generation circular economy is about innovations in product design and product use systems. There are four basic practices: 

  1. life cycle design (re-design of products in connection with waste-avoiding services),
  2. extension of the useful life of products (re-use, repair, re-commerce and refurbishing),
  3. intensification of use (sharing, borrowing and renting), and
  4. re-use of materials (upcycling and retro-logistics).

An evaluation of various databases and platforms shows that a diverse innovation landscape and a testbed for a Circular Economy has emerged in Berlin, which focuses on new product utilisation systems. The innovation ecosystem is based on the interaction of a multitude of actors and environmental conditions. The innovation scene consisting of re-use actors, sharing providers, repair cafés, upcycling providers, start-ups, platforms, innovation labs, etc. represents the critical landscape of actors in the ecosystem. The innovation system is shaped by political and legal framework conditions, incentive structures and funding measures.

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Dr. Martin Hirschnitz-Garbers
Siegfried Behrendt
Jakob Zwiers
Christine Henseling
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52 pp.
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Table of contents
Kreislaufwirtschaft, Start-Ups, KMU, Geschäftsmodelle, grüne öffentliche Beschaffung, Innovationen