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ElectricityNeighbours – Can tenants in Berlin's apartment buildings become prosumers through solar power projects and sector coupling?

ElectricityNeighbours – Can tenants in Berlin's apartment buildings become prosumers through solar power projects and sector coupling?


Photovoltaic technology is a key lever for decarbonising Berlin's power consumption and for social participation in the transformation process, especially for tenants. Therefore, solar energy and projects on rental apartment blocks are key elements of the Berlin Senate's Energy and Climate Protection Programme. In the research project "ElectricityNeighbours", Ecologic Institute and IÖW evaluate the experience gained so far in implementing such prosumer projects in Berlin, outline innovation potentials for the field and develop ideas on how the regulatory framework can be further developed. In doing so, the team looks beyond pure tenant electricity projects to the potentials of sector coupling.

The focus of the analysis is on distributional effects of the projects studied, especially the economic effects on low-income households. For a more detailed analysis, two ongoing prosumer projects in Berlin will serve as case studies and expert interviews and tenant surveys are conducted. The transdisciplinary results are presented for discussion in a stakeholder workshop.

The aim of the project is to present decision-makers with innovative sector coupling concepts  and concrete recommendations for new regulatory approaches. It provides concrete support for planning and implementation for service providers and companies involved in tenant electricity projects.

The project ElectricityNeighbours carried out by Ecologic Institute and the Institute for Ecological Economy Research (IÖW) is part of the collaborative project "Knowledge. Transformation. Berlin. – Transdisciplinary research for a social and ecological metropolis" of the research partnership Ecornet Berlin. It is funded by the Governing Mayor of Berlin, Senate Chancellery – Higher Education and Research.

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Katharina Umpfenbach
David Reichwein, LLB
Ricarda Faber
Lina-Marie Dück
Project ID
evaluation, analysis, case study, expert interview, tenant surveys, stakeholder workshop