Datengovernance und -regulierung für ein nachhaltiges Berlin
Übergeordnete Erkenntnisse und Empfehlungen
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Gailhofer, P., Franke, J., Gsell, M., Kollosche, I., Thomas, D., Stockhaus, H., Best, A. (2022). Datengovernance und -regulierung für ein nachhaltiges Berlin – übergeordnete Erkenntnisse und Handlungsempfehlungen (Wissen. Wandel. Berlin. Report Nr.24). Berlin: Öko-Institut, UfU., IZT, Ecologic Institut, Forschungsverbund Ecornet Berlin.
This paper describes important findings from the project "Data Governance and Regulation for a Sustainable Berlin" and formulates – in addition to the application field-specific papers – overarching recommendations.
The project Data Governance and Regulation for a Sustainable Berlin, over a period of 18 months, has examined a range of conceptual, theoretical and policy-related issues regarding the social and ecological implications of data regulation. The project's objective was to provide a robust assessment of the sustainability implications of regulatory proposals and governance configurations related to the data economy, to clarify normative trade-offs, and to provide principles or guidelines to justify policy decisions under the conditions of potential trade-offs.