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Nachhaltigkeits- und Digitalisierungsziele des Landes Berlin

cover of the publication "Nachhaltigkeits- und Digitalisierungs- ziele des Landes Berlin. Einordnung der Ziele in den Bereichen Daten-Governance, Stadtentwicklung und soziale Räume, Verkehr und Mobilität, Energie, Umwelt und Gesundheit"

© Ecornet Berlin

Nachhaltigkeits- und Digitalisierungsziele des Landes Berlin

Einordnung der Ziele


Best, A. & Reichwein, D. (2021). Nachhaltigkeits- und Digitalisierungsziele des Landes Berlin – Einordnung der Ziele in den Bereichen Daten-Governance, Stadtentwicklung und soziale Räume, Verkehr und Mobilität, Energie, Umwelt und Gesundheit (Wissen. Wandel. Berlin. Report Nr. 3). Berlin: Ecologic Institut, Forschungsverbund Ecornet Berlin.

This background paper for the research project "Digitalisation – Setting the Course for a Social-Ecological Digital Transformation in Berlin" within the project "Knowledge. Change. Berlin" provides an overview of the sustainability and digitalisation goals of the state of Berlin. First, the paper outlines sustainability goals relevant for the project in the following topic areas: data governance, climate protection, transport and mobility, energy and health.

The paper then examines Berlin's digitalisation goals. At the end of 2018, the state of Berlin decided to develop a digitalisation strategy. This process, which is ongoing, is designed to develop a framework strategy providing overarching goals and guidelines for a digital transformation in the city. A first milestone in this development was reached with the publication of a so-called Green Book for Berlin’s digitalisation strategy on 6 October 2020. The Green Book presents existing strategies and identifies needs for additional action in digital transformation. This background paper addresses the digital challenges, strengths and needs for action identified in the Green Book in the topic areas already mentioned.

Against this backdrop, the authors highlight possible conflicts as well as potential synergies between the digitalisation strategy and the sustainability goals of the state of Berlin for each topic area. The paper provides an initial orientation regarding Berlin’s development and implementation of its sustainability and digitalisation goals, identifying initial links and possible contradictions between the two topics.

Sustainability and digitisation goals of the State of Berlin


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David Reichwein, LLB
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38 pp.
Project ID
Table of contents
Data governance, Urban development, Social spaces, Transport, Mobility, Energy, Environment, Health
Berlin, Germany