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Ecologic Institute Newsletter No 211 – March 2020



  1. Contribution to the 2020 Roadmap Consultation on the Farm to Fork Strategy – Publication
  2. Defining and Assessing Ecological Potential for Improving Comparability of Heavily Modified Water Bodies – Publication
  3. Research Meets Practice: But what do we get out of it? – Knowledge for Future – The Environment Podcast
  4. EU Climate Law Big step for the Europeans? – Knowledge for Future – The Environment Podcast
  5. What Does the European Green Deal Mean for Cities and Metropolitan Areas? – Presentation
  6. Business Mitigates Climate Change – Final Event of the Dialogue Forum
  7. Better Use of Deep Soil Layers in Agriculture as Preparation for Dry Periods – Workshops
  1. Contribution to the 2020 Roadmap Consultation on the Farm to Fork Strategy – Publication

    In this position paper, Ecologic Institute, the Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP), the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) and the Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations (IDDRI) submitted a contribution to the EU Commission's roadmap consultation on the Farm to Fork strategy. The strategy is expected to be finalized by 29 April 2020 and will have an impact on the future Common Agricultural Policy. The position paper identifies the needs for the strategy, gives policy recommendations and is available for download.

  2. Defining and Assessing Ecological Potential for Improving Comparability of Heavily Modified Water Bodies – Publication

    The CIS Guidance Document No. 37 proposes a common practical framework for defining the good ecological potential, the environmental objective for heavily modified water bodies designated under the Water Framework Directive (WFD). The Guidance aims to assist the comparability of approaches between Member States. Its recommendations are based on a common understanding of the WFD requirements on this topic and good practice for implementation developed within the Common Implementation Strategy (CIS) of the WFD. The guidance document, which was compiled in consultation with Dr. Eleftheria Kampa from Ecologic Institute, is available for download.

  3. Research Meets Practice: But what do we get out of it? – Knowledge for Future – The Environment Podcast

    If science provides the right impulses, completely new ideas can emerge in practice. The last episode of the environmental podcast "Knowledge for Future" dealt with the importance of transdisciplinary research, in particular with the synergies and challenges that can arise when research and business work together. This episode focuses on two concrete examples of such synergetic cooperations: sustainability within the food and fashion industries.

  4. EU Climate Law – Big step for the Europeans? – Knowledge for Future – The Environment Podcast

    The EU is to be climate-neutral by 2050. In March 2020, the European Commission presented its draft law, which for the first time legally anchors the goal of climate neutrality. This is a milestone in climate protection policy. Ursula von der Leyen even compared this goal with the moon landing. For Dr. Nils Meyer-Ohlendorf of Ecologic Institute, the draft is heading in the right direction – but it contains gaps that need to be filled. For example, there are no emission budgets or targets for 2030 and 2040.

  5. What Does the European Green Deal Mean for Cities and Metropolitan Areas? – Presentation

    The Barcelona Centre for International Affairs (CIDOB) and the Àerea Metropolitanade Barcelona (AMB) invited Doris Knoblauch from Ecologic Institute to speak at the workshop "Metropolitan Challenges in the post 2020 European Union" in Barcelona (Spain), on 10 March 2020. In her presentation, the expert discussed the substantive and organisational importance of the European Green Deal for cities and metropolitan areas.

  6. Business Mitigates Climate Change – Final Event of the Dialogue Forum

    In March 2020, the final event of the dialogue forum "Wirtschaft macht Klimaschutz" brought together climate protection pioneers from German companies. At the closing event, five working groups presented the results of their work: climate-friendly supply chains, circular economy, company-related climate protection targets, innovations for climate protection, and climate protection in the financial sector. Participants discussed the experiences with the German Federal Environment Minister Svenja Schulze. The written output of the working groups is available for download.

  7. Better Use of Deep Soil Layers in Agriculture as Preparation for Dry Periods – Workshops

    In order to determine the acceptance of measures to enhance the subsoil in agriculture, Ecologic Institute organised two stakeholder workshops in North Rhine-Westphalia (Germany) in March 2020. The first workshop took place on 2 March in Bad Sassendorf (near Soest) and the second on 3 March in Kleve. Both were part of the BonaRes project "Soil³ – Sustainable Subsoil Management", funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.


Publisher: Ecologic Institute, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin

Person in charge: Dr. Camilla Bausch, Ecologic Institut, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin

ISSN: 1613-1363

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