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Steps for Defining and Assessing Ecological Potential for Improving Comparability of Heavily Modified Water Bodies


Steps for Defining and Assessing Ecological Potential for Improving Comparability of Heavily Modified Water Bodies

Guidance Document No. 37


CIS working group ECOSTAT 2020: Guidance No 37 – Steps for defining and assessing ecological potential for improving comparability of Heavily Modified Water Bodies.

The CIS Guidance Document No. 37 proposes a common practical framework for defining the good ecological potential which is the environmental objective of heavily modified water bodies designated under the Water Framework Directive (WFD). The Guidance aims to assist the comparability of approaches between Member States. Its recommendations are based on a common understanding of the WFD requirements on this topic and good practice for implementation developed within the Common Implementation Strategy (CIS) of the WFD.

This document is a deliverable of the CIS working group ECOSTAT. It was developed and drafted by a core-group of experts, with the support of Eleftheria Kampa (Ecologic Institute) as consultant. The Guidance was endorsed by the EU Water Directors at their meeting in Helsinki on 26 November 2019.

The Guidance is accompanied by a European library of mitigation measures for heavily modified rivers, lakes, transitional and coastal waters.


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This documents was developed and drafted by a core-group of experts, with the support of Eleftheria Kampa (Ecologic Institute) as consultant.

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134 pp.
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Guidance, Water Framework Directive, heavily modified water bodies, ecological potential, Common Implementation Strategy, hydromorphology