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CIS Guidance on Article 4(7), Inter-comparison of Good Ecological Potential and Hydromorphological Assessment Methods

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CIS Guidance on Article 4(7), Inter-comparison of Good Ecological Potential and Hydromorphological Assessment Methods


In the latest Work Programme 2016-2018 of the Common Implementation Strategy of the Water Framework Directive (WFD), the Water Directors of European countries agreed specific Ad-hoc Task Groups (ATGs) should be set up on the following topics: (1) Best practice and guidance on dealing with hydromorphology and (2) Guidance on WFD Article 4(7) on exemptions for new modifications. Ecologic Institute and its partner Fresh Thoughts have been commissioned to provide to DG Environment of the European Commission support and advice on scientific, socio-economic and technical issues related to the activities of the ATGs on Article 4(7) Guidance and Hydromorphology.

The specific objectives of this project are to:

  1. Finalise a CIS guidance document on Article 4(7).
  2. Support the ECOSTAT group on hydromorphology in preparing a report on hydromorphological assessment methodologies for rivers.
  3. Support the activities of the Ad-hoc Task Group on Hydromorphology relevant to the harmonisation of Good Ecological Potential (GEP).
  4. Support the ECOSTAT group on coastal and transitional waters with respect to hydromorphological assessment methodologies and mitigation measures for reaching GEP.


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Project ID
Water Framework Directive, exemptions, heavily modified water bodies, HMWB, ecological potential, hydromorphology