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Hydromorphological Measures under the Floods and Water Framework Directives "Finding synergies and addressing challenges"


Hydromorphological Measures under the Floods and Water Framework Directives "Finding synergies and addressing challenges"


Dworak, Thomas & Kampa, Eleftheria (2019). Workshop on hydro-morphological measures under the Floods and Water Framework Directives “Finding synergies and addressing challenges”. Background paper with conclusions from the workshop 4/5.12.2018 Budapest/Hungary.

As hydromorphological aspects between the Water Framework Directive (WFD) and the Floods Directive refer to the same fluvial processes, the issue of hydromorphology and flooding has been addressed several times within the Common Implementation Strategy (CIS) process. In this context, a workshop on hydromorphological measures under the Floods and Water Framework Directives – "Finding synergies and addressing challenges" took place on 4-5 December 2018, in Budapest (Hungary). After the workshop, this background paper was updated to include conclusions from the meeting. The background paper is available online.

The workshop's discussions evolved around:

  • The potential for implementation of restoration/mitigation measures to achieve WFD good ecological status, or good ecological potential, at water bodies where hydromorphology is impacted by existing flood risk management measures, and
  • Impacts of new flood protection measures on hydromorphology modifications and related assessments under the WFD.

The ultimate objective was to increase the appreciation, amongst the experts of the working group ECOSTAT (ecological status) and the working group Floods, of the challenges encountered and the synergies that can be achieved, towards integrated water management.

Prior to the workshop, a background paper was prepared and circulated to participants providing background information on the topic and suggesting questions for discussion. After the workshop, the background paper was updated to include conclusions from the meeting. The background paper is available online.


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Thomas Dworak (Fresh Thoughts)
31 pp.
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Floods Directive, Water Framework Directive, WFD, Hydromorphological measures
Europe, Meuse, Rhine, Netherlands, Noorwaard, Hijar river, Spain, Austria, Italy