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Climate Mitigation Through Nature-Based-Solutions in Urban Poland - Fostering Awareness and Capacity (ClimateNBS Polska)

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Climate Mitigation Through Nature-Based-Solutions in Urban Poland - Fostering Awareness and Capacity (ClimateNBS Polska)


Many Polish cities are undergoing intense development, which is placing investment pressure on undeveloped land. Individual sites would be able to deliver on urban climate change mitigation and reduce GHG emissions, with the resulting social, economic and environmental benefits, by optimising existing green spaces and deploying nature-based solutions (NBS) such as green roofs and facades, sustainable urban drainage system, or bioretention infrastructure. However, Polish cities are currently facing several barriers to the development and implementation of NBS as a cost-effective climate mitigation measure, including a lack of relevant experience and technical knowledge, and a shortage of context-specific policy instruments.

The project aims to increase the understanding, acceptance and uptake of multifunctional NBS as a cost-effective urban climate mitigation and climate protection measure. By initiating and fostering cooperation and exchange between Polish and German planning, engineering and policy experts, the project seeks to build capacity, knowledge and skills among city officials, municipal staff and landscape planners to enable the conceptual and technical design and implementation of NBS.

This project aims to achieve its goals through the following activities:

  1. Creating a catalogue of urban NBS;

  2. Developing tailored guidance and policy recommendations to promote urban NBS adapted to the reality of Polish cities and local governance;

  3. Setting up a targeted capacity-building programme for the project’s end-users including an online course, training events across Poland and a study visit to Germany.

  4. Fostering the development of a Polish network of NBS experts and working closely with a number of Polish cities, such as Poznan, Krakow, Wroclaw and Warsaw.

Working closely with the Polish partner organisation Sendzimir Foundation, Ecologic Institute takes a leading role in creating the catalogue of NBS and the policy guidance promoting the implementation of urban NBS.

The project is financed by the European Climate Initiative (EUKI), established in 2017 by the German Environment Ministry to foster intra-EU exchange on climate policy at all levels of society and policy-making.


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Sandra Naumann
Project ID
Nature-based solutions, climate change mitigation, climate change adaptation, cities, Poland