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Addressing Climate Change in Cities: Order your free copy of the publications

© Ewa Iwaszuk

Addressing Climate Change in Cities: Order your free copy of the publications

Berlin, Germany

The two publications Catalogue of urban nature-based solutions and Policy instruments to promote urban nature-based solutions form the "Addressing Climate Change in Cities" series. Designed to support planners, designers, landscape architects as well as policymakers, city officials and local activists these two books offer a comprehensive introduction to the world of urban nature-based solutions (NBS).

Catalogue of urban nature-based solutions

Illustrated with real-life application examples and detailed technical drawings, the Catalogue of urban nature-based solutions introduces multifunctional NBS that can be implemented in cities to deliver climate mitigation and address a variety of urban challenges. The publication includes ten case studies of complex nature-based solutions applications which show how NBS can be combined together to create systemic solutions that address multiple urban challenges in parallel – at sites as small as a playground or as large as an entire city.

Download: Addressing Climate Change in Cities – Catalogue of Urban Nature-based Solutions [pdf, 9.2MB, English]

Policy instruments to promote urban nature-based solutions

The publication Policy instruments to promote urban nature-based solutions highlights a range of policy and supporting instruments such as regulations, strategies and financial incentives relevant for NBS design, implementation and maintenance. Case studies from Germany and Europe illustrate how different cities approach NBS and foster their integration into their policy frameworks.

Download: Addressing Climate Change in Cities – Policy Instruments to Promote Urban Nature-based Solutions [pdf, 18.2 MB, English]

Order your free hard copy

It is now possible to order a free hard copy of each of the publications for your institutional or personal library, using the order form. Please note that we can only guarantee a limited amount of free deliveries inside the EU (on a first come, first serve basis). If your order cannot be shipped, we will inform you as soon as possible. Unfortunately we are unable to ship outside of the EU. Please note, the orders may take several weeks to ship: you should receive your order by mid-December 2020 at the latest. Both publications can be downloaded for free in PDF format (link below).

The publications have been produced as part of the "Climate NBS Poland" project supported by the European Climate Initiative (EUKI) of the German Ministry of Environment. The project aims to increase the understanding, acceptance and uptake of multifunctional NBS as a cost-effective urban climate mitigation and climate protection measure.

Filled with real-life case studies, these two publications aim to inspire planners and policymakers to address climate change in cities using nature-based solutions.


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Project ID
climate change, climate mitigation, climate adaptation, nature-based solutions, cities, NBS, urban NBS, green infrastructure, urban planning, participatory budget, urban regeneration, stormwater management, urban development, planning instruments, policy plan, urban green planning, green cities, landscape planning, bioswale, green roof, green façade, infiltration, permeable surface, structural soil, retention pond
Poland, Germany, Berlin