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Addressing Climate Change in Cities: Berlin study tour for Polish NBS and local government experts

Addressing Climate Change in Cities: Berlin study tour for Polish NBS and local government experts

Berlin, Germany

A group of polish local government experts, landscape planners, architects and engineers participated in a study tour on nature-based solutions in Berlin on 25 and 26 August 2020, which was part of the EUKI project "Climate NBS Poland". Nature-based solutions (NBS) can be implemented in urban settings to deliver a suite of services to address climate change, such as reduce demand for heating and cooling, stormwater management, microclimate regulation but also support human health and recreation. Thanks to their multi-functionality and sustainability NBS are increasingly applied as measures to address climate change in cities – in Berlin, a number of innovative NBS projects have been implemented in Berlin already since the 1990s to address such challenges.

During the two-day tour, the Polish experts visited the complex application of the sustainable urban drainage system (SUDS) at Potsdamer Platz, the Roof Water Farm and Block 6, a test-site for innovative urban grey and black water management combined with urban farming, ufaFabrik a cultural centre and home to Berlin's oldest green roofs and a solar-powered "sustainable oasis of culture". On the second day, the Polish experts learned about thermal management and on-site water management concept at the building of the Department of Physics of Humboldt University. Finally, the participants visited Rummelsburg Bucht, an eco-district with a complex rainwater management system and an exemplary model of the "Sponge City" concept.

The Polish participants had also an opportunity to exchange with Berlin-based sustainable urban development experts: Brigitte Reichmann from the Senate Department for Urban Development and Housing, Dr. Darla Nickel, Head of the Berliner Regenwasseragentur and Dr. Carlo Becker founder of bgmr Landschaftsarchitekten. The expert discussion addressed issues such as the involvement of private investors in the planning and implementation of NBS, application of ecological building criteria or the Berlin regulations for rainwater infiltration and implementation of decentralized approaches.

The study tour is part of the "Climate NBS Poland" project supported by the European Climate Initiative (EUKI) of the German Ministry of Environment. The project aims to increase the understanding, acceptance and uptake of multifunctional NBS as a cost-effective urban climate mitigation and climate protection measure. By initiating and fostering cooperation and exchange between Polish and German planning, engineering and policy experts, the project seeks to build capacity, knowledge and skills among city officials, municipal staff and landscape planners to enable the conceptual and technical design and implementation of NBS. The project’s first publication, Addressing Climate Change in Cities – Catalogue of urban nature-based solutions is available online in English and Polish language versions.

Polish experts visited some of the most innovative and creative applications of nature-based solutions in Berlin.


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Sandra Naumann
Karl Lehmann
Berlin, Germany
Project ID
nature-based solutions, cities, Berlin, Poland, sustainable urban drainage system, stormwater management, microclimate regulation, climate change, EUKI, adaptation
Poland, Berlin, Germany