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EFEX Study Tour on Energy Efficiency

| Fotolia © Andrea Izzotti

EFEX Study Tour on Energy Efficiency

Washington, DC, United States

The EFEX study tour from 25 to 29 June 2018 complements our 2018 International Symposium on Energy Efficiency on 26 June with an in-depth exploration of energy lighthouse projects in the US American capital region. The program includes presentations and field trips on topics ranging from energy efficiency to renewable energy and sustainable mobility, with a special focus on the interconnections between these sectors. While these topics are technical in nature, the program is designed for a broad range of civil-society participants both from the US and Europe and will allow participants to make deep connections with their peers.

This June, civil society leaders from the US and Europe will meet in DC to explore and discuss the future of energy. This is a unique opportunity to engage with other civil society leaders active in the field of sustainable energy and climate both from within the US as well as from Europe. The programming will not only look at technological approaches but will probe especially how civil society can contribute to the Future of Energy, looking primarily at social and environmental impacts of the energy transition.

Leading questions are:

  • How can we include all people into energy efficiency and renewable energy programs?
  • How can we ensure affordable and accessible clean mobility for all people?
  • How can we engage vulnerable minorities in energy and climate topics?
  • How can we make the leap from lecturing to self-management and co-creation?
  • How can we make progress by coordinating across borders?

Some more information about the program are available at the EFEX website.

For inquiries regarding the program and logistics, please contact Max Gruenig at the Ecologic Institute.

Already on board? Then apply here:

The program is part of the EU funded transatlantic civil society dialog Future of Energy Exchange EFEX.

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Max Gruenig
Brendan O'Donnell
Washington, DC, United States
Project ID
energy efficiency