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Comparative Analysis of Current Proposals to Improve Energy Efficiency

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Comparative Analysis of Current Proposals to Improve Energy Efficiency


The existing measures in Germany are not sufficient to meet the efficiency targets of the Energy Concept and the requirements of the EU Energy Efficiency Directive. On behalf of the European Climate Foundation, Ecologic Institute has compared essential proposals aimed at increasing energy efficiency and deduced possible political demands. This short study was presented on December 2013 in the workshop "Energy Efficiency Models and EU Energy Efficiency Directive: Consensus for a Stronger Energy Efficiency Policy in Germany" in Berlin. A summary of this short study is available for download.

The comparative analysis included eight proposals concerning efficiency instruments that cover the electricity and the heat sector. One half aims at implementing Art. 7 of the EU Energy Efficiency Directive, which requires Member States to introduce energy efficiency obligations schemes or other equivalent targeted policies. The other half covers the particularly important issue of modernising insulation in buildings. On the basis of the comparative analysis, three alternative demands to introduce particular instruments were proposed.


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Florian Strenge
Katharina Klaas
Project ID
energy, energy efficiency, Energy Efficiency Directive, modernising insulation in buildings, energy saving fund, quota models, white certificates, bonus models, energy tax, climate fee