Germany's Energy Transition
A Comparative Perspective
- Publication
- Citation
Hager, Carol and Christoph H. Stefes (eds.) 2016: Germany's Energy Transition. A Comparative Perspective. Palgrave Macmillan US: New York.
This book, edited by Professor Carol Hager, Ph.D. and Ecologic Institute's Associate Professor Christoph H. Stefes, Ph.D. analyzes Germany's path-breaking Energiewende, the country's transition from an energy system based on fossil and nuclear fuels to a sustainable energy system based on renewables. The authors explain Germany's commitment to a renewable energy transition on multiple levels of governance, from the local to the European, focusing on the sources of institutional change that made the transition possible. They then place the German case in international context through comparative case studies of energy transitions in the USA, China, and Japan. These chapters highlight the multifaceted challenges, and the enormous potential, in different paths to a sustainable energy future. Taken together, they tell the story of one of the most important political, economic, and social undertakings of our time.
- Language
- Authorship
PhD Carol Hager
- Published by
Palgrave Macmillan US (Palgrave), United States - Year
- Dimension
- 235 pp.
978-1-137-44288-8 (eBook), 978-1-137-44287-1 (Hardcover)
- Table of contents
Click to show full table of contents
The Grassroots Origins of the German Energy Transition
Hager, CarolWhy Subnational Actors Matter: The Role of Länder and Municipalities in the German Energy Transition
Schönberger, Philipp (et al.)Critical Junctures and the German Energiewende
Stefes, Christoph H.
The German Energiewende in a European Context
Schreurs, Miranda A.Avoiding Transitions, Layering Change: The Evolution of American Energy Policy
Laird, Frank N.Exercising Power: China’s Transition to Efficient, Renewable Energy
Ohshita, StephanieRenegotiating Japan’s Energy Compact
Hughes, LlewelynConclusion: Lessons from the German Energiewende
Stefes, Christoph H. - Keywords
Energy transition, energy policy, renewable energyGermany, Europe, USA, China, Japan
O'Donnell, Brendan; Max Gruenig 2016: Understanding the Energy Transition in Germany. Ecologic Institute: Washington, DC.
Schumacher, Katja et al. 2014: "Evaluation as a Cornerstone of Policies and Measures for the Energiewende", in: Achim Brunnengräber and Maria Rosaria Di Nucci (eds.): Im Hürdenlauf zur Energiewende. Berlin: Springer, 369-385.
Dräger, Iken; Sievert, Korinna; Wunder, Stephanie; Lucha, Christine; Behringer Rolf (2012): Scipts and tutorials for eight seminars - Basic knowledge energy transformation and renewable, Interdisciplinary energy projects in schools, Experiments with renewable, Energy saving, Green jobs, Alternative mobility, Energy efficient buildings, Energy scenarios.
The German Energy Transition: Debating Implications for New York State
- Duration
- Funding
German Embassy, Washington, DC, United States
Discussion:Energiewende Made in the USA - Luncheon with Amory Lovins
- Date
- Location
- Berlin, Germany
Dinner Dialogue:Lessons from the Energiewende for the US Context
- Date
- Location
- Berlin, Germany
Speech:The Energy Transition in Germany and the Renewable Energy Sources Act: Context, Legal and Procedural Aspects
- Date
- Location
- Berlin, Germany
Milesecure 2050 Societal Processes of Energy Transition. March 2015. Milesecure 2050 Policy Brief. Turin: Politecnico di Torino.
Grünig, Max et al. 2015: Milesecure 2050 Deliverable 3.2 - Report Describing Scenarios for Societal Energy Transition. Ecologic Institute, Berlin.
Digital Event:100 Days In: COP21 and the Arctic's Future – An Era of Energy Transition
- Date
- Location
- Berlin, Germany
Visitors Program:Lessons from Denmark and Germany on the European Energy Transition
- Date
- Location
- Copenhagen, Denmark / Berlin and Brandenburg, Germany
Booklet on the German Energiewende
- Duration
- Funding
German Embassy, Washington, DC, United States
Müller, Dominik 2013: “The Energiewende and its Ramifications for the German Support Regime for Renewable Energies”. Renewable Energy Law and Policy (RELP), Vol. 2013, No. 1, 81-90.
Seminar:Economics of Green Germany – the case of the Energiewende
- Date
- Location
- Berlin, Germany
Panel discussion:If Possible, Please Turn Around: Three Years of Energiewende in Germany
- Date
- Location
- Berlin, Germany
Chairing:Energiewende Act for Berlin
- Date
- Location
- Berlin, Germany