Evaluation as a Cornerstone of Policies and Measures for the Energiewende
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Schumacher, Katja et al. 2014: "Evaluation as a Cornerstone of Policies and Measures for the Energiewende", in: Achim Brunnengräber and Maria Rosaria Di Nucci (eds.): Im Hürdenlauf zur Energiewende. Berlin: Springer, 369-385.
Evaluation and monitoring is a crucial part of the German energy transition (Energiewende), especially for the National Climate Initiative, which supports climate-friendly behavior among businesses, consumers, and local authorities. In this book chapter, the authors provide an insight into the the National Climate Initiative, its evaluation approach and lessons learnt for following programmes.
Max Grünig and Benjamin Görlach contributed to this article. A preview and an abstract is available at the publisher's website.