The Energiewende and its Ramifications for the German Support Regime for Renewable Energies
Country Report Germany
- Publication
- Citation
Müller, Dominik 2013: “The Energiewende and its Ramifications for the German Support Regime for Renewable Energies”. Renewable Energy Law and Policy (RELP), Vol. 2013, No. 1, 81-90.
This survey of Dominik Müller, Senior Analyst at Ecologic Institute, describes the regulatory and policy framework for the promotion of renewable energies in Germany as amended by the "Energiewende" announced by the German Federal Government in the wake of the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster. The article focuses on changes in the electricity sector chiefly through fundamental amendments of the Renewable Energies Sources Act ("Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz – EEG") since 2011. Moreover, the article also discusses the political and regulatory situation for the use of renewable energies in the heat and transport sectors in Germany.